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为纪念伽利略首次使用望远镜进行天文观测400周年,在国际天文学联合会和联合国教科文组织的共同倡议下,联合国大会将2009年正式定为国际天文年,并将其主题定为“探索我们的宇宙”。终于迎来最后三个发现了!小编们松了一口气,估计同学们也大呼“解脱”了吧?持续三期的专题内容,啃下来虽然有点吃力,但本次专题确实是不错的语音和写作学习材料——把这上、中、下三期文章的声音连着脱稿听一遍,学习主持人如何将13个天文发现完美无瑕、环环相扣地娓娓道来。同学们也不妨边听边做记录,试着根据笔记将发现者及发现内容按照时间顺序简要复述出来。前两期发现内容请查阅CE:Teens 2009年7、8月号。 To commemorate the 400th anniversary of Galileo's first use of telescopes for astronomical observation, the General Assembly of the United Nations, under the joint initiative of the International Astronomical Union and UNESCO, set 2009 as the International Year of Astronomy and set its theme as “exploring our universe”. Finally ushered in the last three found! Xiaobian are relieved, it is estimated that students also shouted “liberation” of the right? The three topics continued to feature, eating a bit harder, but this topic is indeed Good speech and writing learning materials - the sound of these three articles attached to the desolate listen again, learn how to host the astronomical discovery of 13 flawless, interlocking to explain. Students may also wish to listen to do the record, try to find the discoverer and found in chronological recapitulation. For the first two issues, please refer to CE: Teens July and August 2009.
The 17~(th)Meeting of China-Korea Joint Committee for Basic Scientific Research was successfully held in Jeju,Korea on May 22,2013.Through serious evaluation,th
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环境问题已成为全世界的焦点问题,保护环境是每个人的责任和义务,而提高环保意识至关重要,教育是提高环保意识很有效的途径,而数学课也可以成为 Environmental issues have
终态法就是避开复杂的中间过程,抓住终态的特征量,借助守恒、方程叠加等技巧列出始态与终态的关系式快速求解的一种方法,其特点是化繁为简、化難为易,为解题赢得时间,达到事半功倍的效果,下面列举几例,旨在抛砖引玉。  注:“本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文”
通过加强煤气使用管理和采用先进的点火技术,烧结机点火热耗从1989年到1998年由192MJ/t降至123MJ/t,降低35.94%,取得了明显的节能效果。 By strengthening the management of
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寻找圣经的罗伯 1954年,德鲁克提出了一个具有划时代意义的概念——目标管理(ManagementBy Objectives,简称为MBO),它是德鲁克所发明的最重要、最有影响的概念,并已成为当代