Cu_2ZnSnS_4 thin films prepared by sulfurization of ion beam sputtered precursor and their electrica

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Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thin films were successfully prepared by sulfurization of ion bean sputtered precursors on soda-lime glass substrate. The single phase of stannite-type structure CZTS films were obtained as revealed in EDS and XRD analysis when the ratios of the constituents of CZTS thin films are close to stoichiometric by optimizing the conditions of precursor preparation and sulfurization. A low sheet resistivity as about 0.156 Ω·cm and a high absorption coefficient as 1×104 cm-1 were achieved in this method by Hall effect measurements and UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The optical band-gap energy of the CZTS sample is about 1.51 eV, which is very close to the optimum value for a solar-cell absorber. The single phase of stannite-type structure CZTS films were obtained as revealed in EDS and XRD analysis when the ratios of the constituents of CZTS (CZTS) thin films were successfully prepared by sulfurization of ion bean sputtered precursors on soda-lime glass substrate. thin films are close to stoichiometric by optimizing the conditions of precursor preparation and sulfurization. A low sheet resistivity as about 0.156 Ω · cm and a high absorption coefficient as 1 × 104 cm -1 were achieved in this method by Hall effect measurements and UV- VIS spectrophotometer. The optical band-gap energy of the CZTS sample is about 1.51 eV, which is very close to the optimum value for a solar-cell absorber.
本实验以普通 Webster 大鼠为动物模型,探讨肠道需氧革兰氏阴性杆菌(Gram ne-gative,G~-杆菌)与门静脉血内毒素的关系。以抗生素联合灌胃使大鼠肠道脱污染,降低肠道定植抗力,
杀虫草(SCD)是沙蚕毒(NTX)系新杀虫剂,国内已广泛应用,临床中毒病例也屡有报道。对麻醉家兔腓总神经胫骨前肌,iv SCD7.5 mg/kg可完全抑制自主呼吸和诱发肌肉收缩。iv二巯基
1.青霉素与常用输液的配伍青霉素的水溶液很不稳定,最适 pH 值6~7,当温度下降或温度上升时易被破坏而失效。青霉素与葡萄糖及碳水化合物混合后,由于后者 pH 值为4左右,稳定性
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本文报告了小鼠经6、10和15Gy γ线全身照射后不同时间小肠和大肠中5-HT 含量平行测定的结果,并分析了与肠运动及肠套叠形成的关系。结果表明,6Gy 照后,大小肠5-HT 含量无明