重新审视三四级市场受国内外经济环境低迷影响,2014年一季度国内G D P增长较比全年目标增长值低0.1%,2013年在传统的出口、投资、消费均未完成既定8%增长目标,投资也一直在低位运转。拉动内需就成为了国内经济增长的重中之重。三四级市场成为经济增长主要驱动力,不管业界或者学界都认为三四线城市蕴含着巨大的增长潜力,谁赢得了三四级市场,谁就赢得了未来。但是受到各种因素制约,在很长一段时间内,这种论断一直停留在理论层面,但是潜力并没有明显显现出来。
Revisit the 34th and 4th tier markets Affected by the sluggish domestic and international economic environment, the domestic GDP growth in the first quarter of 2014 was 0.1% lower than the growth target for the whole year. In 2013, the traditional target of 8% growth in exports, investment and consumption was not fulfilled Investment has also been running low. Pulling domestic demand has become the top priority of domestic economic growth. The third and fourth tier markets have become the main driving force for economic growth. No matter whether the industry or the academic circles think that there are tremendous growth potential in the third and fourth tier cities, whoever wins the third and fourth tier markets wins the future. However, due to various factors, for a long period of time, this thesis has remained at the theoretical level, but its potential has not been obvious.