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我有一个特别的爱好——喜爱桥。童年时,听祖母讲牛郎织女的故事,使我对那个冷酷专横的王母娘娘殊觉痛恨,而对牛郎织女的遭遇则深为同情。当我听到每年七月初七,无数喜鹊在银河上搭起一座鹊桥让牛郎织女相会时,我不禁转忧为喜,对这座鹊桥油然而生感激之情,假如没有它,银河两边的牛郎织女就永远也见不到面了。这个动人的传说给我的印象如此之深,使我幼小的心灵萌发对桥的一种 I have a special hobby - love bridge. Childhood, listening to grandmother tells the story of the Cowherd and Weaver, so that I am the cold and tyrannical Queen Mother especially hate, but the experience of the Cowherd and Weaver are deeply sympathetic. When I heard the seventh day of July every year, countless magpies set up a magpie bridge on the Milky Way to meet the Cowherd and the Weaver, I could not help turning anxious to joy. However, I felt grateful for the magpie bridge. Without it, the Cowherd and Weaver girls I will never see the face again. This touching legends gave me the impression so deeply that my young soul germinated against the bridge
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患者 35岁.2004年10月10日在外院经剖宫产分娩一女婴,产后1周出现39.8℃高热、切口感染,因产后高热伴轻度昏迷,于2004年10月17日入院.身体检查:患者轻度昏迷,体温39.9℃,心率115次,呼吸25次。
森林之鹰苗条如少女一样的青松, 挺立在祁连峻峭的雪峰, 风送来伐木者斧锯的铿锵, 还夹带少妇催眠的歌声。伐木工家中勤劳的母亲, 用乳汁哺育着森林雏鹰; 美丽、神奇的祁连