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戏曲电影是电影大家庭中的一个门类。一个多世纪以来,戏曲电影在国内外的广泛传播,深刻地影响了世界人民对古老文明而又生机焕发的中国传统文化的了解和认同。伴随着戏曲电影的诞生,戏曲电影研究从未止步。目前,综观戏曲电影研究,系统的、全方位的、中华民族审美文化身份认同的研究还比较欠缺。在世界多元文化交融和弘扬中华民族文化的语境下,进一步全面而深入地展开戏曲电影民族审美文化的学术研究,建构戏曲电影民族审美文化身份认同的理论体系和范式框架十分有必要。 Drama film is a movie in the family of a category. For more than a century, the widespread dissemination of opera films both at home and abroad has profoundly influenced the people in the world in understanding and recognizing the ancient Chinese civilization which is full of vigor and vitality. With the birth of opera film, the study of opera film has never stopped. At present, a comprehensive study of opera films, systematic and comprehensive studies on the aesthetic identity of the Chinese nation is still lacking. Under the context of multi-cultural blending and carrying forward the Chinese culture, it is necessary to further develop the academic research on national aesthetic culture of opera film comprehensively and deeply and to construct the theoretical system and paradigm of national aesthetic identity of opera film.
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Glaucophane in Shuangjiang area, West Yunnan Province, supplies a chance for studying south segment of Lancangjiang tectonic zone. But people are at odds as to
有关省市和部门应该联合起来团结治水。治理好淮河、太湖关系到整个地区的经济发展 Relevant provinces and municipalities and departments should unite to unite with f
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Almost all intraplate caprocks experienced strong deformation during the convergence of microplates, and then disintegrated into many secondary geologic units w