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采用富士Ⅱ型玻璃离子粘固粉充填楔状缺损314例共709个牙齿,发现其具有操作简便、快捷、不磨牙、操作时无疼痛,不导热、色泽与牙体相近,对牙髓刺激性小等特点,深受患者普遍欢迎。经过二年随访,满意率达89%,(玻璃离子粘固粉充填后,患牙遇冷热酸痛症状消失,充填物完整,与洞缘接触密合,无继发性牙髓炎症状);尚满意7%(二年后复查时,充填物表面出现横行条纹或边缘有少部分碎裂脱落)。作者等在讨论中指出此种现象是由于此充填材料抗唾液的腐蚀性,耐磨性和强度存在着一定的局限性;不满意者占4%有24只牙脱落,5只牙发生牙髓炎。作者在讨论中指出脱落与操作时隔湿,吹干有关,与玻璃离子粘固粉调合时调拌速度,粉液比例等因素有关。 Fuji II glass ionomer powder filled wedge-shaped defect in 314 cases a total of 709 teeth and found that it is easy to operate, fast, no molar, the operation without pain, no heat, similar color and teeth, small pulp irritation And other characteristics, generally welcomed by patients. After two years of follow - up, the satisfaction rate was 89%. (After the filling of glass ionomer cement, the symptoms of cold and hot pain disappeared, the filling was complete, the close contact with the cave edge, no secondary symptoms of pulpitis). Still satisfied with 7% (two years after the review, there are horizontal stripes on the surface of filling or a small part of the edge fragmentation). The authors pointed out in the discussion of this phenomenon is due to the corrosive anti-saliva of the filling material, wear resistance and strength there are some limitations; 4% of those who are not satisfied with 4 teeth off, 5 teeth dental pulp inflammation. The author pointed out in the discussion that the separation is related to the separation of wetting and drying during the operation, and the mixing speed and the proportion of the liquid powder during the blending of the glass ionomer cement.
最近的大量临床观察显示 ,许多肿瘤的迅速复发和不良预后都与高端粒酶活性有关。本文研究证实人类胰腺癌细胞株与其转移和侵袭力呈正相关 ,这可能为上述临床观察提供依据 ,并
作者自1989年始将环褥式缝合法应用于颌面外科,临床效果较好,现介绍如下。rn  1.操作方法:首先做垂直褥式缝合(即远远/近近缝合),暂不收紧缝线。缝线线头经伤口表面穿过对侧的
1 病例报告 患者,男,20岁,因右侧下颌后牙咬合痛,于2000年1月18日在个体牙科诊所诊治,行根管充填术。术后1周,患者自觉咬合痛加剧,牙龈处有脓液溢出。临床检查:患者精神状况
目的 观察口腔颌面部肿瘤患者T淋巴细胞核仁组成区相关蛋白 (Ag -NORs)的表达特点 ,以探讨其在口腔颌面部肿瘤诊断中的价值。方法 采用肿瘤免疫图像分析系统及配套试剂对正