
来源 :煤炭经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:msdn_sdk
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建国前夕,针对革命战争已基本胜利、经济建设已提到议程的形势,毛泽东同志及时告诫全党:“我们熟习的东西有些快要闲起来了,我们不熟习的东西正在强迫我们去做”。此话今天听来,仍觉得十分亲切。由社会主义计划经济向社会主义市场经济转变,是我国经济运行机制的一项重大变革。随之而来的是,我们长期熟习的计划经济的老做法要闲起来,而不熟习的市场经济的新工作要干起来。计划经济和市场经济是社会生产中资源配置的两种方式。用在计划经济下形成的老做法来指导市场经济的运作是根本行不通的,那样只能造成计划非计划、市场非市场的混乱局面。常言道“不破不立”,旧的传统做法和思维模式不打破,新的市场经济的建立就无从谈起。 On the eve of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, in response to the basic victory of the revolutionary war and the fact that economic construction has referred to the agenda, Comrade Mao Tse-tung warned the entire party in time: “Some of the things we are familiar with are going to be idle, and what we are not familiar with are forcing us to do it.” Listen today, still feel very cordial. The transformation from a socialist planned economy to a socialist market economy is a major change in the economic operation mechanism of our country. What followed was an old practice in the planned economy that we had long been acquainted with, and a new job in an unfamiliar market economy to be done. The planned economy and the market economy are two ways of allocating resources in social production. Guiding the operation of the market economy with the old practices that have taken shape under the planned economy is simply not feasible and can only result in the chaotic situation of unplanned plans and market non-markets. As the saying goes “no breaking does not stand”, the old traditional practices and thinking modes are not broken, and the establishment of a new market economy is impossible.
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小朋友们高兴地乘坐上飞船离开遥远的地球,观看火箭飞上太空。到了太空,他们看到了很多太空城的建筑很神奇啊! The children are happy to take the spacecraft to leave th
儿子今年8岁了,读小学三年级。一天清早,我送儿子去学校,我们照例在楼下小餐馆吃饭。吃过饭后,我将儿子送到了学校门口。就在我准备转身离开时,儿子伸手向我要50元钱。儿子一向不乱花钱,今天怎么平白无故要这么多钱?  在我的询问下,儿子告诉我,今天学校组织他们去敬老院送温暖、献爱心,他想给那些无依无靠的孤寡老人捐点钱和买点东西。重阳节马上就要到了,让儿子去敬老院看望老人是一种不错的教育方式,我应该支持。
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