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目的观察短期内空气污染指数的改变,空气中主要污染物浓度的改变对健康人体各项生物学指标的影响,寻找人体对环境反应敏感的指标。方法于奥运期间(2008年6月初至8月底)连续监测北京市中心区空气污染物指数(API)的变化以及此期间空气中主要污染物浓度变化(PM2.5);选择128名居住在此区域的健康青年于此期间内进行4次激素水平,酶学指标、肿瘤标记物、肝肾功能、免疫球蛋白等生物学指标的变化。应用SPSS12.0进行单因素回归分析二者之间的相关性。结果2008年8月较6月相比空气质量明显好转,空气污染指数均在二级以上,空气中的主要污染物为可吸入颗粒物(PM),检测发现8月较6月PM2.5的浓度显著下降。促甲状腺激素,雌二醇,男性生长激素,女性黄体生成素水平在空气质量好转时较前有升高趋势。二者呈负相关,相关性显著。结论空气污染物与人体激素水平的改变有相关性,短期内改善空气质量对人体激素水平可能产生影响。其中雌二醇,促甲状腺激素,男性生长激素,女性黄体生成素水平随着空气质量改善而升高,较其他生物学指标更为敏感。 Objective To observe the changes of short-term air pollution index and the changes of major pollutants in air on the biological indicators of healthy human and to find out the indicators that the human body is sensitive to the environment. Methods During the Olympic Games (from the beginning of June to the end of August 2008), the changes of air pollutants index (API) in the downtown area of ​​Beijing and the change of the concentration of major pollutants in the air during the period (PM2.5) were continuously monitored; 128 During this period, healthy youth in the region carried out 4 changes in hormone levels, enzymatic indexes, tumor markers, liver and kidney functions, immunoglobulins and other biological indexes. SPSS12.0 was used for univariate regression analysis of the correlation between the two. Results Compared with June, the air quality in August 2008 markedly improved, the air pollution index was above Grade II, and the main pollutant in air was particulate matter (PM). The concentrations of PM2.5 in August compared with June Decreased significantly. Thyroid stimulating hormone, estradiol, male growth hormone, female luteinizing hormone level increased when the air quality improved. The two were negative correlation, significant correlation. Conclusions Air pollutants are associated with changes in human hormone levels. In the short term, improving air quality may have an impact on human hormone levels. Among them, estradiol, thyroid stimulating hormone, male growth hormone and female luteinizing hormone level increased with the improvement of air quality, which was more sensitive than other biological indicators.
目的探讨Y染色体异常与疾病的关系。方法采用外周血淋巴细胞G显带技术、C显带技术以及基因检测技术,对遗传咨询患者进行遗传学检查。结果检出Y染色体异常220例,其中大Y 206例
磺酰脲类除草剂是目前世界上最大的一类作用独特的除草剂,可用于防除多种作物和蔬菜地各种阔叶杂草和某些禾本科杂草,同时因其用量低(10~40 g·hm-2)、对哺乳动物低毒以及独特
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目的 探讨孕中期唐氏综合征血清学筛查在产前诊断唐氏综合征(DS)等缺陷儿中的作用.方法 应用时间分辨荧光法对4954例14-20w孕妇进行血清学筛查,采取回顾性分析的方法对唐氏综
目的 通过对4909例活产儿的出生低体重分析,找出影响出生低体重的相关因素,为降低出生低体重儿的发生提供有力数据.方法 通过对4902例活产儿中385例出生低体重儿的住院病历及