Function of Delta4 gene and its effects on 32D cell differentiation

来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XSDCL
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Background Notch activation leads to transcriptional suppression of lineage-specific genes, inhibiting differentiation in response to inductive signals. The Notch signal system contains three parts: Notch molecules, Notch ligands and effectors. Delta4 is a newly-discovered Notch ligand which has received the attention of few detailed studies. This study sought to explore the biological function of Delta4 and observe its effects on 32D cell differentiation.Methods Delta4-expressing vector pTracer.CMV.Delta4.FLAG was constructed using molecular biological techniques. CHO cells stably transfected with pTracer.CMV.Delta4.FLAG were confirmed to have a Delta4 protein band via Western blotting. High-expression Delta4-CHO clones were selected for the following functional studies. Notch1-CHO and Notch2-CHO were used as host cells. After transiently transfecting with transition protein 1 (TP 1), Delta4 activity was compared in both cell lines by means of luciferase analysis. CHO cells were incubated with Notch1-32D cells that had been transfected with Notch1 and were observed for granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF)-induced differentiation. Jagged2-CHO and Delta4-CHO cells transfected with the Notch ligands Jagged2 and Delta4, respectively, were incubated with Notch1-32D cells to observed inhibition of Notch o n G-CSF-induced differentiation. Results The vector pTracer.CMV.Delta4.FLAG was constructed successfully. CHO cells were stably transfected with the vector pTracer.CMV.Delta4.FLAG. Two CHO cell lines expressing Delta4 at high levels were selected for use in the study. Delta4 was found to induce signal activity via both Notch1 and Notch2 and the induction of signaling activity was stronger in Notch2 cells than in Notch1 cells. Compared with other Notch ligands, Delta4 was slightly weaker than Jagged2, but stronger than Delta1 and Jagged1 in terms of Notch1 ligands. In terms of Notch2, Delta4 had a strong signaling activity, but was weaker than Delta1, Jagged1, and Jagged2. Jagged2 could inhibit Notch1-32D cell differentiation induced by G-CSF, but Delta4 could not.Conclusions Delta4 induces both Notch1 and Notch2 activity and is a ligand for both of them. The effect of Delta4 is stronger on Notch2 than that on Notch1. Jagged2 can inhibit Notch1-32D cell differentiation induced by G-CSF, but Delta4 cannot. Background Notch activation leads to transcriptional suppression of lineage-specific genes, inhibiting differentiation in response to inductive signals. The Notch signaling system contains three parts: Notch molecules, Notch ligands and effectors. Delta 4 is a newly-discovered Notch ligand which has received attention of few detailed studies. This study sought to explore the biological function of Delta4 and observe its effects on 32D cell differentiation. Methods Delta4-expressing vector pTracer. CMV. Delta4.FLAG was constructed using molecular biological techniques. CHO cells stably transfected with pTracer. High-expression Delta4-CHO clones were selected for the following functional studies. Notch1-CHO and Notch2-CHO were used as host cells. After Transiently transfecting with transition Protein 1 (TP 1), Delta4 activity was compared in both cell lines by means of luciferase analysis. CHO cells were in cubated with Notch1-32D cells that had been transfected with Notch1 and were observed for granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) -induced differentiation. Jagged2-CHO and Delta4-CHO cells transfected with the Notch ligands Jagged2 and Delta4, respectively, were incubated with Notch1-32D cells to observed inhibition of Notch on G-CSF-induced differentiation. Results The vector pTracer.CMV.Delta4.FLAG was constructed successfully. CHO cells were stably transfected with the vector pTracer.CMV.Delta4.FLAG. Two CHO cell lines expressing Delta4 at high levels were selected for use in the study. Delta4 was found to induce signal activity via both Notchl and Notch2 and the induction of signaling activity was stronger in Notch2 cells than in Notchl cells. Compared with other Notch ligands, Delta4 was slightly weaker than Jagged2, but stronger than Delta1 and Jagged1 in terms of Notch1 ligands. In terms of Notch2, Delta4 had a strong signaling activity, but was weaker than Delta1, Jagged1, and Jagged2. Jagged2 could inhibit Notch1-32D cell differentiation induced by G-CSF, but Delta4 could not .Conclusions Delta4 induces both Notch1 and Notch2 activity and is a ligand for both of them. The effect of Delta4 is stronger on Notch2 than that on Notch1. Jagged2 can inhibit Notch1-32D cell differentiation induced by G-CSF, but Delta4 can not.
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