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隆回县位于湘中偏西南,总面积2866平方公里,总人口112万人,是国家扶贫开发重点县和湘西开发项目县,面对这样一个人口大县、工业弱县、财政穷县,怎样才能发展才能构建和谐社会呢?2002年夏天,学者型的干部钟义凡走马上任隆回县委副书记、代县长,同年12月,他在人大会上又以全票当选为县长后,果敢地提出了“经营政府”的从政新理念——即运用市场经济手段,对区域内的自然资源、人文资源和人力资源等进行优化整合和市场化营运,以促使资源优化配置和高效使用,实现经济利益、社会利益、生态利益以及群众利益的最大化,精心打造一个责任、效能、信用的政府形象。 Longhui County is located in the southwest of Hunan, with a total area of ​​2866 square kilometers and a total population of 1.12 million people. It is a national key counties for poverty alleviation and development and a county developing projects in western Hunan. In the face of such a large population county, weak industrial county, poor financial county, In order to develop in order to build a harmonious society? In the summer of 2002, scholar-style cadres Zhong Yifan took office immediately as Longhui county deputy secretary, acting county magistrate, the same year in December, he was elected to the people's congress as the county magistrate after boldly put forward The concept of “running the government” in politics - that is, using market economy means to optimize the integration and market operation of natural resources, human resources and human resources in the region so as to promote optimal allocation and efficient use of resources and achieve economic benefits, Social interests, ecological interests and the interests of the masses to maximize, carefully build a responsibility, effectiveness, credibility of the government image.
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