Application of the Endurance Catalyst in RFCCU Unit

来源 :China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yxs
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In order to improve the capability of the RFCC unit for heavy oil conversion, reduce the yields of coke and oil slurry, and increase the economic benefits of the unit, starting August 2007 the SINOPEC Luoyang Branch Company began to apply in its No. 2 RFCC unit the Endurance catalyst featuring strong heavy oil conversion ability, low yields of coke and oil slurry, and high total light liquid yield. The results on calibration of the Endurance catalyst conducted in November 2007 indi-cated that under the circumstances of using deteriorating feedstock quality and lower unit consump-tion of catalyst, the yields of coke, oil slurry and gas decreased by 0.28 %, 1.24 % and 0.35 %, respectively. The light distillate yield and total light liquid yield increased by 0.8 % and 1.88%, respectively. In order to improve the capability of the RFCC unit for heavy oil conversion, reduce the yield of coke and oil slurry, and increase the economic benefits of the unit, starting August 2007 the SINOPEC Luoyang Branch Company started to apply in its No. 2 RFCC The results on a calibration of the Endurance catalyst conducted in November 2007 indi-cated that under the circumstances of using deteriorating feedstock quality and lower unit consump-tion of catalyst, the yield of coke, oil slurry and gas decreased by 0.28%, 1.24% and 0.35%, respectively. The light distillate yield and total light liquid yield increased by 0.8% and 1.88%, respectively.
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