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一、教学目的的确定《第二次考试》是农册第二单元的一篇阅渎课文。这学期的讲读训练,要求在前三学期的基础上继续培养记叙能力。第二单元作为重点单元,以记人叙事为主,记叙中又运用了议论、描写、抒情的方法。因此,这也应是本单元教学的重点。同时,还应结合单元后面知识短文《谈谈散文》的学习,使学生了解散文的特点,提高他们阅读和欣赏的能力。确定本课的教学目的,首先要从这个全局考虑。其次,要考虑这篇课文的实际。(1)《第二次考试》一文中,尽管陈伊玲和苏林教授都是文章的主要人物,但中心人物是苏林教授。让学生明确中心人物与中心思想的关系,这对指导学生根据中心思想的需要来确定中心人物,确定文章的主线是很重要的。(2)这篇课文主要运用了描写的方法。文章对陈伊玲的描写,有些是直接描写,有些是通过苏林教授(也有其他人)的所见所闻所感而间接描写的。对陈伊玲作间接描写,既是表现中心思想的需要,又是刻画中心人物苏林教授的需要。让学生明确这种间接描写的作用和方法,可使学生写作记叙文时,除注意运用直接描写外,还能用间接描写的方法来刻画人物,表现中心思想。关于散文知识的教学,可以通过本单元的四篇课文的比较教学去完成。鉴于此,这篇课文的教学目的可以确定为: (一)使学生初步理解和掌握根据中心思想确定中心人物和文章主线的方法; First, the determination of the purpose of teaching “The second exam” is a reading unit in the second unit of the agricultural book. The reading and speaking training of this semester requires the cultivation of the ability to write on the basis of the first three semesters. The second unit, as a key unit, is mainly based on narratives in the narrative. The narrative uses methods of discussion, description, and lyrics. Therefore, this should also be the focus of this unit’s teaching. At the same time, students should learn about the characteristics of prose and improve their ability to read and appreciate, in conjunction with the study of the “essay prose” that follows the unit. To determine the purpose of teaching this lesson, we must first consider this overall situation. Second, consider the actuality of this text. (1) In the article “Second Examination”, although Chen Yiling and Professor Su Lin are the main characters of the article, the central figure is Professor Su Lin. Let students clarify the relationship between the central character and the central idea. This guides students to determine the central figure according to the needs of the central idea, and it is very important to determine the main line of the article. (2) This text mainly uses the method of description. Some of the descriptions of Chen Yiling in the article are directly described, and some are indirectly described by what Professor Su Lin (and others) have seen and heard. The indirect description of Chen Yiling is not only the need to express the central idea, but also the need to portray the central figure, Professor Su Lin. Allowing students to clarify the role and methods of this indirect depiction can enable students to describe people by using indirect descriptions in addition to direct descriptions when writing narratives. The teaching of prose knowledge can be completed through the comparative teaching of four texts in this unit. In view of this, the purpose of the teaching of this text can be determined as follows: (1) To enable students to initially understand and grasp the methods for determining the central characters and main lines of articles according to the central idea;