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2月26日上午,河北省法院工作会议正在紧张进行,但偶尔响起的手机来电铃声,打破了会场紧张而严肃的气氛。“请注意会议纪律,关闭手机,为什么做不到?”主席台上,一位身材瘦削、教授模样的人出语平缓而不失威严。事后知道这就是刚刚上任不久的河北省高级人民法院院长、党组书记高勇。 On the morning of February 26, the working conference of court in Hebei Province was under intense work, but the ringing tone of cell phone ringing occasionally broke the tense and serious atmosphere of the venue. “Please pay attention to meeting discipline, turn off the phone, why can not?” "On the rostrum, a thin, professors appearance of people speak plain but without dignity. Afterwards, I knew that this was the just-appointed president and senior party secretary of Hebei High People’s Court.
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能装M-51的“凯旋”级 2004年11月17日,俄罗斯总统普京宣布俄正在研制并成功试验了一种新型核导弹系统。没几天,有国外媒体报道说,到2010年,法国只保留4艘新一代“凯旋”级
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11月12日,全省法院办刊工作座谈会在章丘召开。省法院党组副书记、副院长丁义军出席会议并讲话,全省各中级法院研究室主任参加了会议。 November 12, the province’s forum
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