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众所周知的事实是,家电产业在近20年的中国市场上一直是最活跃的因素,由于产能过剩,竞争就异常的激烈。从技术到服务,从理念到品牌,从价格到市场,国内还没有哪个产业能像家电业一样经历了如此惨烈的竞争。然而在家电企业突围的左冲右突中,大多数企业还因循着传统的思维定势像山羊一样在进与退两条路上寻求出路。我们经常看到的是一种从众心态,一家企业进入一个新的领域,其他的家电企业则蜂拥而上,结果是在新的领域很快就形成过剩,于是新一轮的价格大战就又烧起。我们现在还清楚地记得像DVD、微波炉、彩电、定速空调、变频空调,价格大战的硝烟一路烧将过来。由于利润低,企业没有相当的资本积累,缺乏在产业核心技术上的研发的投入,更何况竞争的严酷性使得企业根本来不及深入开发核心技术,价格战火就已经燃起。因此,我们看到的家电企业总是在疲于奔命。家电企业是否可以比山羊更聪明些跳出独木桥 It is a well-known fact that the home appliance industry has been the most active factor in the Chinese market for nearly 20 years, with unusually intense competition due to overcapacity. From technology to service, from concept to brand, from the price to the market, there is no industry in China that has experienced such fierce competition as the home appliance industry. However, breakthrough in the left home appliance companies in the right and wrong, most companies also follow the traditional thinking of the same set of goats like goats in and out of two ways to find a way out. We often see is a kind of mentality, a business into a new area, while other home appliance companies are flocked to the result is the new field soon formed an excess, so a new round of price war and burn Start. We are still clearly remember like DVD, microwave oven, color TV, constant speed air conditioning, inverter air conditioner, price war smoke all the way to burn over. Because of the low profits, there is no considerable capital accumulation in the enterprises and lack of investment in research and development in the core technologies of the industry. Moreover, the rigorous competition makes the enterprises too late to develop core technologies and the price war has been ignited. Therefore, we see the home appliance business is always exhausted. Home appliance companies can be smarter than goats out of single-plank bridge
黑龙江水系总流域面积居世界第8位!它的雄姿险峻不及黄河,浩淼广阔不比长江,但它却记载着中俄两岸昨天的历史和近年举世瞩目的开放潮。 滔滔江水哺育了共和国一个英雄连队—
1月8日,由本刊和全国30家新闻媒体共同发起的“苏州金龙客车杯”2002年度中国汽车十大新闻在北京揭晓。这十条新闻是(按得票多少排序): January 8, by the magazine and 30