DBS imaging based on Keystone transform

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaxia904
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To correct the range walk through resolution cell in Doppler beam sharpening(DBS) imaging,a new DBS imaging algorithm based on Keystone transform is proposed.Without the exact values of the movement parameters and the look angle of the radar platform in the multi-targets environment,a linear transform on the received data is employed to correct different range walk values accurately under the condition of Doppler frequency ambiguity in this algorithm.This method can realize the coherent integration in azimuth dimension and improve the azimuth resolution.In order to reduce the computational burden,a fast implementation of Keystone transform is used.Theoretical analysis and simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the new algorithm.And through comparing the computational load of the fast implementation with several other algorithms,the real-time processing ability of the proposed algorithm is superior to that of other algorithms. To correct the range walk through resolution cell in Doppler beam sharpening (DBS) imaging, a new DBS imaging algorithm based on Keystone transform is proposed. Without the exact values ​​of the movement parameters and the look angle of the radar platform in the multi-targets environment, a linear transform on the received data is employed to correct different range walk values ​​accurately under the condition. Dhis method can realize the coherent integration in azimuth dimension and improve the azimuth resolution. order to reduce the computational burden, a fast implementation of Keystone transform is used. Theoretical analysis and simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the new algorithm. And through comparing the computational load of the fast implementation with several other algorithms, the real-time processing ability of the proposed algorithm is superior to that of other algorithms.
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