
来源 :飞行力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lonlinyang
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针对着陆过程中飞机对象的非最小相位特性,设计了基于稳定逆的飞机纵向自动着陆控制律。通过求解系统内部动态的有界解,设计了系统对于期望轨迹的稳定逆;基于相对阶的概念设计了光滑、连续的进场着陆期望轨迹。由稳定逆产生期望控制输入和状态轨迹,反馈控制器克服飞机参数不确定性及外界干扰。仿真结果表明,所设计的自动着陆控制律具有精确跟踪期望轨迹的能力,满足国军标关于纵向着陆的要求。 Aiming at the non-minimum phase characteristic of aircraft during landing, a control law of longitudinal automatic landing of aircraft based on stable inversion is designed. By solving the dynamic bounded solution in the system, the stability of the system against the desired trajectory is designed. The smooth and continuous approach trajectory of landing approach is designed based on the concept of relative order. By stabilizing inversely generated expected control inputs and state trajectories, the feedback controller overcomes the uncertainties of the aircraft parameters and the external disturbances. The simulation results show that the proposed automatic landing control law has the ability of accurately tracking the desired trajectory and meets the requirements of the national military standard for longitudinal landing.
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