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随着我国经济社会的进一步发展,居民收入的不断增长,人民的生活品质也在不断提高,居住环境、住宅条件不断改善,我国人居住宅面积约为29.3平方米;但受城市实际可利用土地资源以及居民实际购买力状况等多方面因素制约,以河北省会城市石家庄市为例看,通过调查统计发现,60%的居民仍旧生活在上世纪70-80年代建造的50-80平方米的住宅中。这样的住宅受当时经济、设计理念、材料及结构的限制,户型结构不科学,室内空间比例欠佳,空间狭窄,采光通风效果差;因此在有限的装修资金成本下,如何在不伤动老旧住宅建筑墙体结构的前提下,结合设计 With the further development of economy and society in our country, the income of residents keeps growing, the quality of life of the people is also constantly improving, living conditions and housing conditions are constantly improving. The living area in China is about 29.3 square meters. However, Resources and the actual purchasing power of residents and other factors, taking Hebei Shijiazhuang as an example, 60% of residents still live in 50-80 square meters of dwelling built in the 70-80s in the last century through the survey and statistics . Such housing by the economy, design concepts, materials and structures, apartment layout unscientific, the poor proportion of interior space, space is narrow, poor lighting and ventilation; Therefore, the limited cost of decoration funds, how not to hurt the old The premise of the wall structure of the old residential buildings, combined with the design
Based on the historical records of the annual increase in the workforce (men older than 16 years of age), the annual new taxed cropland in the Shengjing area (N
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