Carbon and sulfur isotopic compositions of Early Cambrian black shales, NW Hunan, China:Implications

来源 :中国地球化学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jessiemaa18
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In order to better understand the paleoceanographic sedimentary environment of the Lower Cambrian black shales extensively distributed in South China,outcropped along the present southern margin of the Yangtze Platform with a width of ca.200-400 km and a length of more than 1500 kn,we present new paired δ13C data on carbonates (δ13Ccarb) and associated organic carbon (δ13Corg) and δ34Spy data on sedimentary pyrite in black shales from three sections (Ganziping,Shancha and Xiaohekou) located in NW Hunan,China.In these sections,a total of 82 Lower Cambrian black shale samples have δ13Ccarb values ranging from -4.0‰ to 1.7‰ with an average value of -2.1‰,and δ13Corg values between -34.9‰ and -28.8‰,averaging -31.9‰.The δ34Spy values of 16 separated sedimentary pyrite samples from the black shales vary between +10.2‰ and +28.7‰ with an average value of +19.5‰,presenting a small isotope fractionation between seawater sulfate and sedimentary sulfide.The model calculation based on credible data from the paired analyses for δ13Ccarb and δ13Corg of 11 black shale samples shows a high CO2 concentration in the Early Cambrian atmosphere,about 20 times higher than pre-industrial revolution values,consistent with previous global predictions.The small sulfur isotope fractionation between seawater sulfate and sedimentary sulfide in black shales,only 15.5‰ on average,implies a low sulfate level in the Early Cambrian seawater around 1 mmol.In combination with a high degree of pyritization (DOP) in the black shales,it is suggested that sulfidic deep-ocean water could have lingered up to the earliest Cambrian in this area.The black shale deposition is envisaged in a stratified marine basin,with a surface euphoric and oxygenated water layer and sulfidic deeper water,controlled by a continental margin rift.