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自治区供销社扎实开展先进性教育活动自治区供销社成立了保持先进性教育领导小组及办公室,从机关处室及直属单位抽调了综合素质较高的人员充实到了先进性教育办公室。为了搞好学习培训工作,各级党委、总支、支部都制定了详细的学习计划,区社先进性教育办公室给直属单位党员配发了1600多本学习资料。通过各种生动活泼、形式多样的学习教育,使广大党员进一步深化了对邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想的理解,深化了对党的十六大和十六届三中、四中全会精神的理解,提高了对加强党的执政能力建设的认识,明确了新时期保持共产党员先进性的基本要求。供销社各级党组织在先进性教育活动中,广泛开展了为各族职工办实事、办好事活动。自古尔邦节、春节以来,各级党 The autonomous region supply and marketing cooperatives to carry out the advanced nature of education activities The autonomous region supply and marketing cooperatives established advanced education to keep the leading group and office, from the agency offices and units directly under the tune of a higher overall quality of personnel enriched to advanced sexual education office. In order to do a good job in learning and training, the party committees, general branches and branches at all levels have formulated detailed study plans. The advanced education office of the district office has distributed over 1,600 learning materials to the party members under its control. Through a variety of lively and varied forms of study and education, the majority of party members further deepen their understanding of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ deepen the understanding of the party’s 16th CPC National Congress and the third, The understanding of the plenary session enhanced the understanding of how to strengthen the building of the party’s ability to govern and defined the basic requirements for maintaining the advanced nature of party members in the new period. The Party organizations at all levels of the supply and marketing cooperatives have carried out extensive activities in handling the advanced nature of education and activities for the workers of all ethnic groups and handling good things. Since ancient Erbang Festival, since the Spring Festival, all levels of the party
本文主要从三方面来论述: 一、创办集美水产航海职业教育的时代背景和地方环境。集美水产航海职业教育是在旧中国渔业、航运业操纵在外国人手中,海权旁落、渔利被侵,国人欲振