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春雨绵绵,到处都是生机盎然的景色,我们专程前往延寿县平安养鹅基地采访,来到鹅场,只看到有万只鹅在场地嘻戏,场景十分壮观,此情此景激动得我忘记了旅途的疲劳,我欢喜地抱起一只白鹅,白鹅哦哦地叫起来,好象是在欢迎我们这些远方的客人,就在这时,场长热情的把我们迎进房间,亲自端上热茶,然而我们却已不是初次相识。那是在黑龙江省召开的首届科普之冬农博会上,一份《高效养鹅短平快》的资料吸引了我,使我结识了这位身材高大强壮而又纯朴的男子汉,他就是养鹅基 Spring rain everywhere, full of vitality of the scenery, we made a special trip to the Yanshou County goose base to interview, go goose field, only to see there are 10,000 geese in the venue Xixiu, the scene is spectacular, this scene excited me Forget the fatigue of the journey, I am happy to pick up a white goose, white goose Oh oh cried, seems to be welcome to our guests in these distant places, at this moment, the field manager warmly welcomed us into the room, Hot tea personally, but we are not the first time acquaintance. It was held in Heilongjiang Province, the first science winter agricultural fair, a “efficient goose short flat fast” information attracted me to make me get acquainted with the tall, strong and simple man, he is a goose
Sgnthesis of five 7-membered compounds containing silane, sulfur and phosphorus groupswas achieved by using endo, endo-bicyclo[3.3.0]octanediol 2. These tricycl
目的观察脉冲电磁场(pulsed electromagnetic fields,PEMF)对脱钙骨基质(demineralized bone matrix,DBM)诱导人骨髓间充质干细胞(human mesenchymal stem cells,hMSCs)成骨
尊敬的编辑: 我的父亲跪地求生,将我哺育成人。如今我大学毕业了,他却重病缠身,每日翻滚呻吟,而身为儿子的我却束手无策。想起过去的一切,良心逼使我写下这篇东西。这是我跪
小敏大学毕业到现在已经3年了。同年毕业的很多同学都纷纷恋爱甚至结婚,小敏还是孤身一人:“其实我不是不想恋爱,就是找不着一个能让我真正动心的人!” 小敏说她经常遇到这样
The effects of the nature of salts, salt concentration, pH value, degree of hydrolysis as well as surfactant on molecular size of HPAM were studied- It is found
A zinc phthalocyanine containing (17-crown-5) ether subunits has been synthesized.UV-visible absorption and fluorescence emission spectra and associated photoph
亚稳态CO(a)是一个很重要的能量载体(r≈5ms,E_(v=0)=6.01 eV),人们对它的传能和猝灭过程进行了大量的研究.它和NO传能时可产生NO(A→X)γ带和NO(B→X)β带辐射.对该反应的