
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:982114
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Objective:To analyze LASIK retreatment-induced changes in the posterior corneal curvature(PCC) with undersurface ablation of the flap(UAF) and in-the-bed techniques.Design:Nonrandomized,comparative,interventional study.Participants:Forty-six eyes with a residual spherical equivalent refraction between-0.37 and-2.75 diopters(D) and astigmatism between 0.0 and-1.25 D were included prospectively.In 23 eyes,the calculated postenhancement flap thickness exceeded 150 μ m using micropachymetric optical coherence tomography,whereas with further ablation of the bed,the residual bed thickness(RBT) would have been< 250 μ m,or< 55% of the pre-LASIK central pachymetry.In another 23 eyes,RBT allowed the planned ablation for a calculated post-retrea-tment RBT exceeding 250 μ m,>55% of the pre-LASIK central pachymetry.Intervention:Eyes with insufficient RBT for further ablation underwent UAF retreatment,whereas those with adequate RBT received conventional in-the-bed LASIK retreatment.Examinations were performed before retreatment and 3 and 6 months postoperatively.No eye was lost to followup.Main Outcome Measures:Micropachymetry,Orbscan II scanning-slit PCC data,and visual acuity(VA) .Results:The groups did not differ in age,intraocular pressure,or retreatment ablation depth,but the UAF eyes had a lower mean pre-retreatment RBT(270.7± 25.4 μ m) than conventional enhancement eyes(353.0± 41.5 μ m) (P=0.001) .Eyes undergoing UAF had no significant change in PCC,whereas eyes undergoing conventional retreatment had an increase in the posterior corneal power within the central 3-mm zone(P=0.008) 3 months after retreatment.No significant changes occurred thereafter.The amount of change in posterior corneal power within the 3 mm central zone from before to after retreatment differed significantly between the groups(mean difference,0.135 D;95% confidence interval,0.022-0.248 D;P=0.02) .No keratectasia developed clinically,and no retreated eye lost or gained ≥ 2 lines of best-corrected VA.Six months after retreatment,the efficacy and safety indices for the UAF procedure were 0.96 and 1.01,respectively,and 1 and 1.06 for conventional LASIK enhancement.Conclusion:Undersurface ablation of the flap retreatment appears to have less potential for changing the posterior corneal surface than conventional LASIK enhancement and can help reduce the likelihood of retreatment-induced keratectasia. Objective: To analyze LASIK retreatment-induced changes in the posterior corneal curvature (PCC) with undersurface ablation of the flap (UAF) and in-the-bed techniques. Designing: Nonrandomized, comparative, interventional study. Participants: Forty-six eyes with a residual spherical equivalent refraction between-0.37 and-2.75 diopters (D) and astigmatism between 0.0 and-1.25 D were included prospectively. In 23 eyes, the calculated postenhancement flap thickness exceeded 150 μm using micropachymetric optical coherence tomography, and with further ablation of the bed, the residual bed thickness (RBT) would have been <250 μm, or <55% of the pre-LASIK central pachymetry. Another 23 eyes, RBT allowed the planned ablation for a calculated post-retrea-tment RBT exceeding 250 μm,> 55% of the pre-LASIK central pachymetry. Prevention: Eyes with insufficient RBT for further ablation underwent UAF retreatment, those with adequate RBT received conventional in-the-bed LASIK retreat. Examine were performed before retreatment and 3 and 6 months postoperatively. No eye was lost to follow up. Main Outcome Measures: Micropachymetry, Orbscan II scanning-slit PCC data, and visual acuity (VA). Results: The groups did not differ in age, intraocular pressure, or retreatment ablation depth, but the UAF eyes had a lower mean pre-treatment RBT (270.7 ± 25.4 μm) than conventional enhancement eyes (353.0 ± 41.5 μm) (P = 0.001) .Eyes undergoing UAF had no significant change in PCC, while eyes undergoing conventional retreatment had an increase in the posterior corneal power within the central 3-mm zone (P = 0.008) 3 months after retreatment. No significant changes occurred after the amount of change in posterior corneal power within the 3 mm central zone from before to after retreatment differed significantly between the groups (mean difference, 0.135 D; 95% confidence interval, 0.022-0.248 D; P = 0.02) .No keratectasia developed clinically, and no retreated eye lost or increased ≥ 2 lines of best-corre cted VA.Six months after retreatment, the efficacy and safety indices for the UAF procedure were 0.96 and 1.01, respectively, and 1 and 1.06 for conventional LASIK enhancement. Conlusion: Undersurface ablation of the flap treatment appears to have less potential for changing the posterior corneal surface than conventional LASIK enhancement and can help reduce the likelihood of retreatment-induced keratectasia.
午后,一抹熟悉的茶香扑面而来,记忆像漏掉的沙,一下子勾起了我对奶奶浓浓的思念。  守望,在活了73岁的奶奶身上诠释得淋漓尽致。  奶奶的青春全献给了那片犹如金色海洋般的田野。尽管岁月年轮慢慢地将她的腰压弯,吞噬着她的活力,她依旧风雨无阻地守护那一片田野,像守护自己的至亲。很多人问她为什么这么爱护那片田野,为什么不任它自生自灭。她总是笑着说,守了这么多年,跟那片田野有了感情,只要一天不去看,心里就会
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在我学习的校园,各教学楼都安装了常见的火灾应急灯,但我发现它们在白天停电时也会发光,这非常浪费电。应急灯白天把电耗尽之后,晚自习时发生停电事件,就起不了作用,胆子小的同学就会在黑暗中发出恐慌的喊叫声。我想象了一下那画面,堪比恐怖片呢!为了解决这个问题,我想发明一种应急灯:在白天,不管是否停电,它都不发光;只有在晚上,哪怕是零线断了电,它都会发光。我还希望这种应急灯可以和现有的电灯产品相结合。  我
一、我国和谐社会中不当竞争规制目标的确立 我国核心的经济社会目标是构建和谐社会,这是我国目前最大的经济政治环境,因此不当竞争规制的目标重建也应该顺应这一大的历史任务。具体而言,要做好以下几点,见下图所示。
本文主要以某工程为例,对沙漠地区既有线涵洞施工防护方案进行了详细分析。 In this paper, a project as an example, a detailed analysis of the existing line of culve