A new approach to water resources system assessment——set pair analysis method

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qazxc123
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Most traditional assessment methods, which have complicated mathematic formulas, are difficult for calculation and application in water resources system assessment. A new approach to water resources system assessment, the set pair analysis method (SPAM), has been proposed based on the principle of set pair analysis (SPA). The basic ideals and steps of SPAM are discussed. The proposed method can take fuzzy property of threshold values for grade standards into full account and avoid determining the discrepancy uncertainty coefficient i or i1, i2, i3, … in SPA. The presented method is simple in concept, convenient to calculate and feasible for application. Two case studies of water resources assessment have been made. The results show that the proposed method is satisfactory. Most traditional assessment methods, which have complicated mathematic formulas, are difficult for calculation and application in water resources system assessment. The set pair analysis method (SPAM), has been proposed based on the principle of set The proposed method can take fuzzy property of threshold values ​​for grade standards into full account and avoid determining the discrepancy uncertainty coefficient i or i1, i2, i3, ... in SPA (SPA). The basic ideals and steps of SPAM are discussed. The presented method is simple in concept, convenient to calculate and feasible for application. Two results studies that water resources assessment have been made. The results show that the proposed method is satisfactory.
主任委员 :  张 权     中国农业大学西校区副主任委员 :(按姓氏笔划排列 )王滨铸 (女 )东北农业大学叶 勤 (女 )华中农业大学邢永华西北农林科技大学刘清水中国农