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“多媒体是否冲淡了语文味”,一个既老又新的话题,一个注定无法取得一致意见的话题。在本期“讨论吧”中,你说,“多媒体,语文课离不开你”,“多媒体丰富了语文味”;我说,“有比多媒体更好的……”,“让学生拥有理解、感悟语言的空间”;他说,“运用多媒体贵在恰当”,强调取舍有度而不“越位”。何谓“语文味”?其实无非就是人们印象中的语文课堂教学方式。既然新课程下的阅读教学是崭新的、开放的、生成的,既然多媒体也是一种教学手段,也是为课程目标服务的,那么,我们还有必要把多媒体与传统教学手段对立起来吗?虽然角度不同,理解不同,结论也不同,但我们总认为,围绕课程目标,只要是学生易于接受的、教师自己使用起来得心应手的、配合教材最适宜的,就是最好的,您说呢?11月话题:自由式回答能得到教师的推崇吗?在教研活动中,我们经常看到这样一种情况:当教师提出一个问题,学生思考片刻后,只要教师一个手势,便有十多个学生同时站起来抢着发言。大概因为是公开课,学生参与热情很高。这一教学行为,受到了很多听课教师的推崇。这让我们看到了师生地位已悄然发生变化,教师由课堂提问的主宰转为一个倾听者,让学生做了学习的主人。但也有个别教师认为:对于那些性格内向、学习成绩一般的孩子来说,他们只能听听算了,根本没有机会参与回答。自由式回答能得到教师的推崇吗?请结合实例谈谈你的看法。来稿请寄《小学青年教师》编辑部李争或电子信箱qnjiaoliu@yahoo.com.cn “Does Multimedia Diminish the Language Taste,” an old and new topic, a subject that is doomed to unanimity. In this issue of “Discussion,” you said that “multimedia, Chinese lessons can not be separated from you,” “multimedia enriches the taste of the language.” I said “there is better than multimedia ...” and “ , Sentiment of language space ”; he said,“ the use of multimedia more appropriate ”, emphasizing the choice of degree without“ offside. ” What is meant by “language taste” is actually nothing more than the impressions of Chinese classroom teaching. Since reading teaching under the new curriculum is brand new, open and generated, since multimedia is also a teaching method and also serves the purpose of the course, then we still have to confront multimedia with traditional teaching methods? Although, Different understanding of different conclusions are different, but we always think that around the course objectives, as long as the students are easy to accept, teachers use their handy, with the most appropriate material is the best, you say? November topic : In the teaching and research activities, we often see such a situation: when teachers ask a question, students think a moment, as long as the teacher a gesture, there are more than a dozen students stand up at the same time Rushing to speak. Probably because it is an open class, students are enthusiastic about participating. This teaching behavior, has been respected by many lecturers. This allows us to see that the status of teachers and students has quietly changed, and teachers have turned from masters of classroom questions to listeners so that students can become masters of learning. However, some teachers also think that for those children who are introverted and have academic records, they can only listen to them and have no chance of participating in the answer. Freestyle teachers can be respected to answer it? Please talk about your views with examples. Please send the manuscript “Young Teachers in Primary School” Li Zheng or e-mail qnjiaoliu@yahoo.com.cn
Years ago in Scotland,the Clark family had a dream.Clark and his wife worked and saved,making plan for their nine children and themselves to travel to the Unite
同学们,我们学过了不少由what引导的特殊疑问句。下面我们一起来回顾一下吧。▲询问姓名。例如:What's your name?你叫什么名字?▲询问某物用英语怎么说。例如:What's this i