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1 今年是《新体育》杂志45周年华诞,江泽民同志题“胜不骄,败不馁”,以示嘉勉和警策。 假如我没有记错的话,这已不是他第一次提到“胜不骄,败不馁”了。记得以往接见运动队时,江泽民同志就曾以此壮行接风。显然,“胜不骄,败不馁”不仅仅是题给《新体育》杂志的,甚至也不仅仅是题给体育界的。 只要有竞争,就会有胜败。围绕着胜败,有不少古训世代流传。“胜败乃兵家常事”是一种大而化之的自我开脱,“不以胜败论英雄”说明了有高于胜败的东西存在,“胜者王侯败者寇”则是弱肉强食的铁律。拨开这些沉浮荣辱的烟墓,“胜不骄,败不馁”其实是 1 This year marks the 45th anniversary of “New Sports” magazine. Comrade Jiang Zemin said: “winning is not arrogant. If I did not remember correctly, this is not the first time he mentioned ”winning or losing, defeat“. I remember when I met the sports teams, Comrade Jiang Zemin had adopted this style. Obviously, ”winning is not arrogant, defeat is not discouraged“ is not only the title to ”New Sports“ magazine, and even not just to the sports sector. As long as there is competition, there will be victory or defeat. Around the victory and defeat, there are quite a few ancient world handed down from generation to generation. ”Victory or defeat is a commonplace soldier“ is a kind of large-scale self-extrication, ”not a victory or defeat of the hero“ that there is more than the victory and defeat the existence of things, ”winner of the king loser Kou“ is the law of the jungle law. Set aside these ups and downs of the tomb of honor, ”victory is not proud, defeat is not hungry" is actually
目的:观察核酸疫苗预敏,乙型肝炎病毒HBsAg蛋白疫苗增强的免疫对Balb/c小鼠免疫应答的影响。方法:以Transfection TM脂质体将乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原中蛋白(MHBs)核酸疫苗pSW38
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太原市教育电视台建台 2 0年来 ,坚持以邓小平理论为指导 ,自觉实践“三个代表”,走出了一条颇具特色的自我发展之路 ,取得显著成果 ,赢得社会特别是教育界的良好赞誉。该台
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OBJECTIVE:Electroacupuncture effect on neurological behavior and the expression of tyrosine kinase Janus kinase 2(JAK 2) of ischemic cortex in rats with the foc
一队-.·”-.·”-.·”-.·”祝贺《山西老年》创刊十周年@郑社奎$中共山西省委!副书记 First team ------ · "· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·