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宏观经济改革已进入紧要关头,其市场经济特征,意味着医疗保障制度改革迫在眉睫。对卫生系统提出的基本要求为:“保障、规范、稳定和协调”。然而,卫生事业与社会正处于明显的不相协调状况,社会指责费用增长、资源浪费、医德医风和服务质量等;而卫生系统则抱怨正常渠道得不到合理补偿;对卫生事业的发展,财政、物价和卫生部门各自所应承担的责任尚不明了;卫生事业的地位在系统内外、理论和现实之间均出现了令人疑惑的脱节;卫生系统孤立被动,协调无力。如不有效控制医疗费用,医疗保障制度改革将形同虚设,“保障、规范、稳定和协调”也流于形式。为此,我们的课题研究组提出了卫生事业与社会协调发展的逻辑顺序,认为社会协调解决共同关注问题,是卫生事业可持续发展的第一步,是医疗保障制度改革的基石。 Macroeconomic reform has come to a critical juncture. The characteristics of its market economy mean that the reform of the medical security system is imminent. The basic requirements for health systems are: “safeguard, standardization, stability and coordination.” However, the health industry and the society are in an apparently inconsistent state. The society has criticized cost growth, waste of resources, medical ethics and service quality, etc. while the health system complains that normal channels cannot be reasonably compensated; for the development of the health industry, The respective responsibilities of the finance, price, and health departments are not yet clear; the status of the health industry has a confusing dilemma between the internal and external systems, theory and reality; the health system is isolated and passive, and coordination is weak. If medical costs are not effectively controlled, the reform of the medical security system will be virtually useless, and “safeguard, normative, stable, and coordinated” will also be in the form. To this end, our research team proposed a logical sequence for the coordinated development of the health industry and the society. We believe that the social coordination and solution of common concerns are the first step in the sustainable development of the health sector and the cornerstone of the reform of the medical security system.
1、无论你现在或将来从事的职业是什么,对职业要负责这一点切切不可忘记。 2、切记和谐融洽的人际关系非常重要。 3、要优化你的交际技能。 4、要善于发现变化并适应变化。
一正在编译一本《蓝色幽默》,其中选了这样一则:想想这个……且请记住,所有这些全是真的:亚伯拉汉姆·林肯被选为议员是在1846年; One is compiling a “blue humor”, one
医疗卫生事业关系与人民群众切身利益关系密切,是社会关注的热点。尽管国家发改委已23次药品降价,但药价贵的现状并未得到根本的好转。其中原因很多,本文拟对此做些探讨。 T
一、短语类●ask/cry for the moon“我想要天上的月亮。”你认为可能吗?所以这个短语就是to want something that you cannot reach or have,异想天开。如:You are asking f
作为曾经为新农村建设摇旗呐喊的学者,看到中国广告人在中国广告趋势论坛这样盛大年会上,把新农村建设跟广告业的发展联系在一起,我 As a scholar who once waved her banne
由中国人民大学老年学研究所承办的“第四届华裔老年人国际学术研讨会” ,于 2 0 0 3年 10月 13日~ 15日在我校隆重举行。本次会议的主题是“应对变化中的老年需求”。在为期