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鲁肃(172-217),字子敬,临淮东城(今安徽定远东南)人, 三国时代吴领导集体的核心人物之一。在有关三国的戏剧中,他 也是一个常常登场的角色,但却很少充当主角,他除了表现老成 质朴的品质外,不免有些懦弱、憨鲁。在草船借箭时怕得要死,对 周瑜的大计茫然无知,单刀会上又被关羽奚落得无地自容。戏剧 中的鲁肃有些形象符合人物的原型,由于为了突出周瑜、诸葛 亮、关羽等人物形象,艺术家笔下鲁肃的诸多表现并不符合历史 上的实际。 真实的鲁肃是个有政治远见的人,他的许多政治、军事上的 见解和作为,可同诸葛亮比美,更不亚于周瑜。 鲁肃不是一具文弱书生,据《三国志》记载,鲁肃是一个“体 貌魁奇,少有壮节”的奇男。他年轻时,学习击剑骑射。东汉末年, Lu Su (172-217), the word respect, Linhuai Dongcheng (now Anhui southeast of Southeast) people, one of the core figure of the leadership of the Three Kingdoms era Wu. In the drama about the Three Kingdoms, he is also a frequent debut character, but seldom acts as a protagonist. Apart from showing the simple and pristine qualities, he is somewhat cowardly and naive. In the grass boat borrowing arrows scared to death, the plan of Zhou Yu at a loss of ignorance, single-handedly on the guanyu Xi again fell groundless. Some characters of Lu Su in the drama are in line with the archetypes of the characters. Due to the prominent figures of Zhou Yu, Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu and others, many performances of Lu Su by the artist do not conform to the historical reality. The real Lu Su is a political far-sighted person. Many of his political and military opinions and actions are comparable to those of Zhuge Liang and Yu Zhou Yu. Lu Su is not a weakened scholar, according to the “Three Kingdoms” records, Lu Su is a “strange man, less strong ” odd man. When he was young, he studied fencing and shooting. Eastern Han Dynasty,
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四象(三)——黑熊擦背马步站桩,双臂向两旁直伸,掌心向外,摇肩旋背,扣齿卷舌,左右晃摇若干次,如图。卿。功能:调理肝脾、益肾固精、壮阳扶正。 (见右图)舌尖上卷,意守双掌劳