
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenfei87827
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天下学问,讲究学中有道。『先讲规矩,但必脱出规矩。』盆景也一样,只有走出技法的束缚,才可创出新天新地。从这期开始连载介绍的盆景大师须藤雨伯其人便是此乐道中人。请各位先拜访一下这位先生的宅院,听听本人娓娓道来的『盆栽三昧』。茶,也就添上了。何谓『三昧』日常会话中常谈到『三昧』这个词,偶一听很觉新奇。实际上此词源于佛教用语,指的是清除心中杂念,专念、专心,热衷于一个对象的意思。最高境界的『三昧』不用说让人想起僧人念经和坐禅的情景。盆景基于文人山水思想现今忙碌的世界节奏给人们带来无形的生活压力,而盆景的清清世界却能帮人脱离这样的烦扰。盆景是千年前从中国传来的文化。当时的中国基于阴阳五行学说,其中的山水思想提倡汲天地之精气而长生,从此诞生了文人山水画。而来到日本则延伸成立体艺术——枯山水式庭院。枯山水庭院的缩景便是盆景。盆景来自自然而超越自然。而与盆景一同的生活则是汲取自然之气的捷径。数寄屋中的名品——自疆亭须藤雨伯在盆景中找到的乐趣,是在自己的家—自疆亭中培养的。此亭作为景道教习所而设。此名来自于中国古典名著《礼记》,《易经》中的『自疆不息』一词,由此激励学徒。(自疆亭由1970年万国博览会出展的日本茶室设计者堤顺市郎设计,由日本数寄屋建筑大师中村外二承建完成。从设计到施工历时5年,竣工至今已有15年。)须藤雨伯在继承父业(盆景园)之前已立志于盆景创 Learn from all over the world, pay attention to learning in class. “Let’s talk about the rules first, but we must get out of the rules. The same applies to the bonsai. Only by getting out of the shackles of technique can a new heaven and earth be created. From the beginning of this series serial introduction Bonsai Lord Sudo is the man of this music. Would you please visit this gentleman’s house and listen to my ”potted samadhi“ Tea, also added. What is meant by ”Samadhi“? In daily conversation, we often talk about the word ”samadhi.“ In fact, this term is derived from Buddhist terms, referring to the removal of mind distractions, ideas, concentration, keen on the meaning of an object. The highest level of ”samadhi“ needless to say is reminiscent of monks’ meditation and meditation. Bonsai is based on literati landscape thinking Today’s busy world pace brings people invisible pressure of life, while the bonsai’s clear world can help people from such annoyance. Bonsai is a culture that came from China thousands of years ago. At the time of China, based on the theory of yin and yang and five elements, the ideology of landscapes among them advocated the essence and the longevity of the world of drawing water, and the literati landscape painting was born. And came to Japan is extended to the body art - dry landscape garden. Dilapidated courtyard courtyard is the bonsai. Bonsai comes from nature and beyond nature. The life together with the bonsai is a shortcut to learn the natural gas. Number of houses in the famous - from the bargain Yijue Su Yu Bo in the bonsai found in their own home - from the kiosk training. This pavilion is set up as a scenic walker. This name comes from the Chinese classic ”Book of Rites“, ”I Ching“ in the ”never-ending" term, which inspired the apprentice. (The design of the Japanese tea maker, Kyushu City, started in late 1970 by the World Exposition in 1970, was designed by a number of Japanese architects outside Nakamura.) It has been completed for five years from design to construction and has been completed for 15 years. Bo inherited his father (bonsai garden) has been determined before the bonsai creation
提出了基于液晶相位延迟的用于 CARS 激发源的斯托克斯光的快速宽范围波长电调谐方法。数值仿真分析了脉冲的峰值功率和光纤长度对光孤子自频移频移量的影响,计算结果表明对 2