
来源 :铁道标准设计通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsqwsqwsqwsq
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为了逐步消灭铁路与公路、道路平交道口的行车事故,确保铁路运输畅通无阻和人身财产的安全,我局在铁道部的支持及有关单位的协助下,多年来修建和改建了一批各种规模的立交桥,据统计约有220余处。目前在城镇繁忙的平交道口处,当地政府和人民群众提出修建立交桥的愿望越来越强烈,因而要求铁路部门配合修建立交桥的地方越来越多。当前由于国家财力尚不足,对城镇不可能投入大量资金修建立交桥,如何安排好这项工作,应根据各条线路运输的繁忙程度,结合地方财力的储备和投资的可能性,统筹安排,分期分批地实施。修建立交桥是铁路与地方共同的事情,应从以下几方面开展工作:1.首先调查核实地方交通流量与铁路的车流会交量是否达到规定的标准。对符合修建标准的要与地方部门进行协商。 In order to gradually eliminate the traffic accidents at railroads, roads and road crossings and ensure the smooth and unhindered railway transportation and the safety of personal and property, the Bureau has, with the support of the Ministry of Railways and the assistance of relevant units, constructed and rebuilt a number of The size of overpass, according to statistics, there are about more than 220. At present, in the busy crossroads of cities and towns, the desire of the local government and the people to propose overpasses is getting stronger and stronger. Therefore, more and more departments are required to coordinate the overpass with the railway departments. At present, due to insufficient financial resources in the country, it is impossible to invest a large sum of money in cities and towns to build overpasses. How to make arrangements for this work should be based on the degree of busyness of various line transportation, the possibility of local financial reserves and investment, co-ordination arrangements, Land grant implementation. Overpass construction is a common railway and local issues, should be carried out in the following aspects: 1. First check to verify the local traffic flow and traffic volume of the railway meets the required standard. Meet the construction standards to be consulted with the local authorities.
本文介绍了为ND_2型机车设计的“国产车钩装置”的结构原理、强度计算,静强度试验及装车试用情况。 This paper introduces the structural principle, strength calculatio