深化改革 开拓经营 廉洁自律 为实现“三个代表”做表率

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李明申同志2000年12月调任铁四院党委书记,2005年1月起任铁四院院长。作为院领导班子的“班长”,他团结班子成员,充分研究政策规定和院情民意,坚持依法办事、正确处理改革、发展、稳定的关系。2005年至2006年,在铁道部和湖北省的领导下,李明申院长及院领导班子团结和带领全体职工,高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,认真领会党的十六大精神,坚持科学发展观,积极稳妥推进各项改革,加快建立现代企业制度的步伐。铁四院连续四届获得湖北省“量佳文明单位”称号,连续12年在全国勘察设计行业百强排名中名列十强。2005年铁四院完成产值15.1亿元,利润总额3023万元,上缴各种税金合计6992万元,2006年各项经济指标在2005年的基础上又有了一定的提高。 Li Ming Shen comrades in December 2000 was transferred to the Fourth Secretary of the Party committee secretary, January 2005 Ren Ren four hospital president. As the “squad leader” of the leading body of the hospital, he unite members of the team, fully study the policy provisions and the conditions of the people’s court and the public, adhere to the principle of handling affairs in accordance with the law, and correctly handle the relations of reform, development and stability. From 2005 to 2006, under the leadership of the Ministry of Railways and Hubei Province, President Lee and his team led and united all the staff and workers, holding high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, implementing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents, Great spirit, adhere to the scientific concept of development, actively and steadily push forward various reforms and speed up the pace of establishing a modern enterprise system. For the fourth consecutive year, Iron Fourth Hospital won the title of “Good Civilization Unit of Hubei Province” for the fourth consecutive year, ranking the top ten in the top 100 survey and design industries in the country for 12 consecutive years. In 2005, the Fourth Iron Mansion completed the output value of 1.51 billion yuan, with a total profit of 30.23 million yuan. The total amount of taxes paid was 69.92 million yuan. In 2006, the economic indicators made some improvements on the basis of 2005.
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