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进入快速发展历史新阶段的吉林油田公司,站在保障国家能源安全和振兴吉林经济发展的政治高度,精心谋划公司发展.研究制定了吉林油田“681”三步走发展目标:第一步,2006年,油气当量跨越600万吨,夯实发展基础;第二步,2010年,油气当量跨越800万吨,初步实现现代化;第三步,油气当量跨越1000万吨,跨入中国石油现代化大油气田公司行列。公司各项工作取得了显著成绩,原油增量列中国石油各油气田第三位,顺利实现了“681”三步走目标的第一步。利税总额连续两年保持吉林省第一位。近年来,公司先后获得了“全国精神文明建设先进单位”、“全国五一劳动奖状”、“全国先进基层党组织”、“全国模范劳动关系和谐企业”等荣誉称号。 Jilin Oilfield Company, which has entered a new phase of rapid development, stood at the political height of safeguarding national energy security and revitalizing Jilin’s economic development and carefully planned the development of the company. Research and formulate the three-step development goal of “681 ” in Jilin Oilfield: The first step In 2006, oil and gas equivalent surpassed 6 million tons, laying a solid foundation for development. In the second step, in 2010, the oil and gas equivalent surpassed 8 million tons to achieve the initial modernization. In the third step, oil and gas equivalent surpassed 10 million tons and entered into the large- Oil and Gas Company ranks. Significant achievements have been made in various fields of work of the Company. The crude oil increased to the third place among all CNPC oil and gas fields and the first step of the “681 ” three-step goal has been successfully realized. Total profits and taxes for two consecutive years to maintain the first in Jilin Province. In recent years, the company has successively won the honor of “Advanced Unit of National Spiritual Civilization Construction”, “National May 1st Labor Certificate of Merit”, “National Advanced Grass-roots Party Organization”, “National Model Labor Relations Harmonious Enterprise” title.
The nonlinear process of microwave heating chemical reaction is studied by means of numerical simulation. Especially,the variation of temperature in terms of sp