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我们在基本完成新民主主义革命时期党史资料征集、整理并编发丛书后,集中一段时间对几年将征编的党史资料,进行了一次彻底的清理。根据民主革命党史资料特点,我们本着立准、立稳,立好的原则,采取以下方法进行清理、立卷、归档工作: 一、全面发动,集中资料。要清理资料,首先必须集中资料,由于党史办是一个新设机构,几年来从事党史工作的人比较多,调动也比较频繁,一些半成品资料或线索材料保留在个人手中是在所难免的。因此,这次全面清理,我们把搞过党史工作的全体成员都发动起来,动员大家把自己手中尚存的有用资料全部交出来。二、认真鉴定,编出细目。资料集中以后,我们便下大力气对资料逐份逐页、逐段逐句地进行鉴定。在鉴定的基础上,编写每份资料的单独目录表。编写单份资料目录表 After we have collected and compiled the historical materials of the party history during the new-democratic revolution, we have concentrated a period of time on a thorough clean-up of the materials on the history of the Party that will be compiled in a few years. According to the characteristics of the data of the history of the Democratic Revolutionary Party, we have adopted the following methods to clean up, document and archive the work in accordance with the principle of establishing standards, establishing stability and establishing good laws: First, to mobilize and centralize information in an all-round way. To clean up the data, we must first concentrate on the data. Since the party history office is a newly established institution, there are more people engaged in the work of the history of the party in recent years and more frequent ones. It is inevitable that some semi-finished materials or clues materials remain in the hands of the individual . Therefore, this round of clean-up has been carried out by mobilizing all the members of the party history work we have mobilized to hand over all the useful information that remains in our hands. Second, careful identification, make up the breakdown. After the data set, we will make great efforts to document the data page by page, paragraph by paragraph to identify. On the basis of identification, prepare a separate table of contents for each piece of information. Write a single copy of the directory table
一、为什么要建立个人技术档案? 建立个人技术档案的意义和作用,择其要者有如下几个方面: 1、可以扩大科技档案的信息量。现代管理的关键一环就是收集、贮存和沟通信息,因此
生命是宇宙间最值得欣赏的因素。生命的孕育、诞生和成长是一种令人无比激动的过程;生命的存在本身就是一种希望;生命中的那些成功与失败、荣誉与耻辱、高尚与卑下、纯真与芜杂,都是一本内容不同的书,或是一幅风格迥异的画。没有谁会拒绝生命,放弃自己生命的人若非出于一种大义便是他的心已先行死亡。每个人都应该知道:活着,就是一首好诗。  仔细想想,生命的构成并不是那些血脉和筋骨,它们只组合了一具肉体。生命的构成是
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他曾经拥有世间最美好的爱情,但结婚一周年纪念日刚过,她就永远地离开了他,他能走出痛苦的深渊吗? ——题记 He used to have the best love in the world, but just