采取多种服务方式 把利用工作搞活

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当前,为使县档案馆的档案利用工作在现有基础上有一个大的变化和提高,除了坚持室内接待阅览这一传统的、主要的服务方式外,还应采取以下几种服务方式,以满足全社会对档案信息的需要。1.搞好档案利用的信息预测。这是做好档案利用工作的“超前性”的工作。通过预测,使县档案馆详细地了解和掌握全县每个时期的中心任务和各项工作及整个社会、各行各业对档案信息的需求。经过分析研究,区分主次;掌握轻、重、缓、急;做到有计划、有针对性、 At present, in order to make the archives utilization work of the county archives a big change and improvement on the basis of the existing ones, in addition to insisting on the traditional and main service mode of indoor reception and reading, the following methods of service should be adopted To meet the needs of the whole society on the file information. 1 do a good job of archives information prediction. This is the job of “advancement” of the file utilization work. Through the prediction, the county archives can get a detailed understanding of and grasp the central tasks and work of each county in the county as well as the demand for archival information from all walks of life and all walks of life. After analysis and research, the distinction between primary and secondary; to grasp the light, heavy, slow, urgent; to be planned, targeted,
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不能想象住在北方的人,在常年没有雨的日子里多么难熬。看见北方人那么粗声大气地吆喝,而且还动不动就摆出两肋插刀要吼一嗓子的架式,就 Can not imagine how hard it is t