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1.对成都地区506例30岁以上正常人(工人、农民及职员)血脂包括总胆固醇、磷脂、甘油三酯、游离脂肪酸以及脂蛋白进行了分析,同时对成都地区工人、农民及职员的膳食组成进行了初步调查。2.结果发现,血脂特别是胆固醇有随年龄增加的趋势。男性以40—49岁为最高,女性50岁以上随年龄继续增加,60岁以上略有下降。甘油三酯随年龄、性别改变的规律不明显。游离脂肪酸未发现因年龄、性别而改变的规律性。各项血脂含量随职业不同差异较大,以农民为最低,职员为最高,工人介于二者之间。3.478例30岁以上正常人醋酸纤维薄膜电泳前 B-脂蛋白出现率为6.9%,乳糜微粒出现率为0.9%。前 B-脂蛋白及 B-脂蛋白亦有随年龄、性别及职业变化的规律性。前 B-脂蛋白与甘油三酯,总胆固醇与 B-脂蛋白在含量上有平行关系。4.成都地区正常人膳食组成特点是醣类占总热量比例高,为76—79%,脂肪比例低,为8.4—10.6%。这可能与成都地区正常人血清总胆固醇含量较西方国家显著低而血清甘油三酯含量与之相近有关。5.根据测定结果,得出了成都地区正常人各种血脂含量的正常上限。 1. Analyzed the total cholesterol, phospholipid, triglyceride, free fatty acid and lipoprotein in 506 healthy people over 30 years old (workers, peasants and staff) in Chengdu area. At the same time, it analyzed the diet of workers, peasants and staff in Chengdu Composition of a preliminary investigation. 2. The results showed that blood lipids, especially cholesterol, tend to increase with age. Male to 40-49 years of the highest, women over the age of 50 continue to increase with age, a slight decline over the age of 60. Triglyceride with age, gender changes in the law is not obvious. Free fatty acids found no change due to age, gender and regularity. The blood lipid levels vary greatly with different occupations, with farmers as the lowest, staff as the highest, and workers between the two. The prevalence of B-lipoprotein was 3.4% before electrophoresis of 3.478 normal persons over 30 years old, and the appearance rate of chylomicron was 0.9%. Pre-B-lipoprotein and B-lipoprotein also vary with age, gender and occupational changes in the law. Pre-B-lipoprotein and triglyceride, total cholesterol and B-lipoprotein content in parallel. 4. Chengdu normal diet composition is characterized by a high proportion of total calories carbohydrates, 76-79%, low fat ratio of 8.4-10.6%. This may be related to Chengdu normal serum total cholesterol levels were significantly lower than in Western countries and serum triglyceride content and its similar. According to the measurement results, we got the normal upper limit of the blood lipids in normal people in Chengdu.
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