
来源 :Journal of Geographical Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:CHJ2000
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This study firstly analyzed the shrinkage of winter wheat and the changes of cropping systems in the Hebei Plain from 1998 to 2010 based on the agricultural statistic data of 11 cities and meteorological data, including daily temperature, precipitation, water vapor, wind speed and minimum relative humidity data from 22 meteorological stations, and then calculated the water deficit and irrigation water resources required by different cropping systems, as well as the irrigation water resources conserved as a result of cropping system changes, using crop coefficient method and every ten-day effective precipitation estimation method. The results are as follows. 1) The sown areas of winter wheat in the 11 cities in the Hebei Plain all shrunk during the study period. The shrinkage rate was 16.07% and the total shrinkage area amounted to 49.62×104ha. The shrinkage was most serious in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan metropolitan agglomerate, with a shrinkage rate of 47.23%. 2) The precipitation fill rate of winter wheat was only 20%–30%, while those of spring maize and summer maize both exceeded 50%. The irrigation water resources demanded by the winter wheat-summer maize double cropping system ranged from 400 mm to 530 mm, while those demanded by the spring maize single cropping system ranged only from 160 mm to 210 mm. 3) The water resources conserved as a result of the winter wheat sown area shrinkage during the study period were about 15.96×108m3/a, accounting for 27.85% of those provided for Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei by the first phase of the Mid-Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. This study first analyzed the shrinkage of winter wheat and the changes of cropping systems in the Hebei Plain from 1998 to 2010 based on the agricultural statistic data of 11 cities and meteorological data, including daily temperature, precipitation, water vapor, wind speed and minimum relative humidity data from 22 meteorological stations, and then calculated the water deficit and irrigation water resources required by different cropping systems, as well as the irrigation water resources conserved as a result of cropping system changes, using crop coefficient method and every ten-day effective precipitation The sown areas of winter wheat in the 11 cities in the Hebei Plain all shrunk during the study period. The shrinkage rate was 16.07% and the total shrinkage area amounted to 49.62 × 104 ha. shrinkage was most serious in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan metropolitan agglomerate, with a shrinkage rate of 47.23%. 2) The precipitation fill rate of winter wheat was only 20% -30%, while those of spring maize and summer maize both over 50%. The irrigation water resources demanded by the winter wheat-summer maize double cropping system ranged from 400 mm to 530 mm, while those demanded by the spring maize single cropping system ranged only from 160 mm to 210 mm. 3) The water resources conserved as a result of the winter wheat sown area shrinkage during the study period were about 15.96 × 108 m3 / a, accounting for 27.85% of those provided for Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei by the first phase of the Mid-Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project.
【链接】  部分“人禽流感”病例    ●病例1   [地点]北京朝阳区三间房 [患者]女,19岁  [近况]:已于2009年1月5日7时20分死亡 。  [病因推测]从河北三河市燕郊活禽市场买9只鸭子,给鸭子拔毛。   ●病例2   [地点]山西 [患者]女,2岁  [近况]:截至2009年1月18日12时病情危重,生命体征平稳。  [病因推测]12月21日到26日在湖南省接触过活禽市场。   
随着现代工作、生活节奏的不断加快,很多人已到了无电脑不能成事的地步。做编辑的小葛说:“我每天要在电脑前工作10小时以上,常觉得眼睛发干。”  眼睛干涩只是眼疲劳的一种,北京中医药大学李兴广教授说,常对着电脑或书本,过度用眼会消耗肝血。《黄帝内经》“五劳所伤”中有一伤:“久视伤血”。这里的“血”,就是肝血。眼睛与肝脏联系紧密。“肝藏血”,即肝脏有贮藏血液和调节血量功能,且“肝开窍于目”。双眼受到血给