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法国的外籍军团在历史上大名鼎鼎。它建立于200多年前,英勇善战,自命不凡。外籍军团多次参加过法国的对外战争。它曾跟随拿破仑远征埃及,也曾在墨西哥战争中冲锋陷阵。在镇压巴黎公社起义时,外籍军团还曾大打出手。外籍军团也参加了第二次世界大战。二战之后,外籍军团又为法国维护它的殖民地多次作战,在印度支那、马达加斯加、阿尔及利亚和摩洛哥等国家和地区都曾有外籍军团的出没。 如今,法国外籍军团值得炫耀的历史早已过去,但它保留了下来,现在它是法国武装力量的一部分,并且仍在招募兵员。而且由于冷战的结束和前苏联东欧的变化,前苏联地区也成了外籍军团兵员的来源。 The French Foreign Legion is famous in history. It was founded more than 200 years ago, brave and fierce, pretentious. The Foreign Corps has participated in many foreign wars in France on many occasions. It had followed Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt, and also charged in the Mexican war. In the suppression of the Paris Commune uprising, the Foreign Corps also had a fierce fight. Foreign Corps also participated in the Second World War. After World War II, the Foreign Corps also fought many times for France to maintain its colony. In the countries and regions of Indochina, Madagascar, Algeria and Morocco, there were foreign military corps. Today, the history of the French foreign legion, which is worth showing off, is long gone, but it has survived and is now part of the French Armed Forces and is still recruiting troops. And because of the end of the Cold War and the changes in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union became the source of foreign military officers.