Assessment of microfilaria prevalence in Karimnagar and Chittoor Districts of Andhra Pradesh,India

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fly383910564
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Objective:To assess the prevalence of disease and microfilaraemia in villages of Karimnagar and Chittoor districts.Methods:Data on age and sex of all the respondents were collected and compared with the microfilaria rate(mf) and density(20μL of peripheral blood by using finger prick method) to examines the relationship between the dynamics of Wuchereria bancrofti among the population.Results:Microfilaraemia prevalence was found among all the age groups and its occurrence was more prevalent especially above 30 years age groups.Similarly,the microfilaraemia and disease rates were found significantly higher in males compared to females. Conclusions:Using these baseline data would be useful in planning for the elimination of lymphatic filariasis in Andhra Pradesh as per the WHO goal to eliminate lymphatic filariasis by 2020. Objective: To assess the prevalence of disease and microfilaraemia in villages of Karimnagar and Chittoor districts. Methods: Data on age and sex of all the respondents were collected and compared with the microfilaria rate (mf) and density (20 μL of peripheral blood by using finger prick method) to examines the relationship between the dynamics of Wuchereria bancrofti among the population. Results: Microfilaraemia prevalence was found among all the age groups and its cases was more prevalent especially above 30 years age groups. Similarly, the microfilaraemia and disease rates were found found significantly higher in males compared to females. Conclusions: Using these baseline data would be useful in planning for the elimination of lymphatic filariasis in Andhra Pradesh as per the WHO goal to eliminate lymphatic filariasis by 2020.
摘 要:“思维能力训练”实践中,通过书、电影、时事等创设虚拟生活体验,通过写书评、影评、时评、人评等训练手段,可促进学生与各种语言材料的交流,激发学生思维的火花和创作欲望,打造思维能力训练场,从而提高学生的写作能力。  关键词:评点;思维能力训练;写作能力  一、课题的提出  现实生活中,学生过着“学校——家庭”两点一线的简单生活,使得写作脱离生活,陷入装腔作势、矫揉造作、了无生气的误区。那么,我
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