
来源 :当代语言学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myoooo
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Let{Xn,n≥1}be a sequence of α-stable random variables(0<α<2),{αni,1≤i≤n,n≥1}be an array of constant real numbers .Under some restriction of {αni,1≤i≤n
This paper is concerned with the quasi-linear equation with critical SobolevHardy exponent where Ω RN(N ≥ 3) is a smooth bounded domain, 0 ∈Ω, 0 ≤ s < p, 1
The authors consider the extended Hecke groups H(λq) generated by T(z) =-1 / z, S(z) = -1/(z+λq) and R(z) = 1 / -z with λq = 2cos(π/q) for q ≥ 3 an integer
Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for a composition operator Cφ f =f o φ to be bounded and compact from Bα to F(p, q, s).
In this paper, the authors extend the definition of quasi-convex mappings and obtain the corresponding growth theorem.on the unit ball of a complex Hilbert spac
Some basic properties of the antipode of an NoI-graded χ-Hopf algebra arestudied. Also, several equivalent conditions of an NoI-graded χ-bialgebra (χ-Hopf al
This paper is concerned with the stability of the rarefaction wave for the generalized KdV-Burgers equationRoughly speaking, under the assumption that u_ 【 u+,