
来源 :广西农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuxi123450
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过去10年,通过多种育种途径相结合的做法,本校的水稻育种工作取得了可喜的成果,育成了早、晚籼新品系和杂交稻新组合共153个。其中,8个通过了广西区级水稻品种区域试验,4个品种、组合通过了自治区品种审定委员会审定,并获得了奖励。然而,大多数育成品系、组合的丰产性、稳定性、抗病性及稻米品质还有待改进和提高。今后,应充分发挥杂交育种途径在选育新品种中的重要作用,多种育种途径互相配合,取长补短;在选育新品种、杂交稻新组合过程中,应拓宽选系的亲缘关系;加强选系的抗病性鉴定;提高选系的丰产性和稳定性,进一步提高育成品种、杂交稻组合的总体水平。 In the past 10 years, through a combination of breeding methods, the school has made gratifying achievements in rice breeding and bred 153 new lines of late indica rice and new hybrid rice. Among them, 8 passed regional trials of Guangxi-level rice varieties and 4 varieties, which were approved by the Autonomous Region Variety Approval Committee and rewarded. However, the combination of high yield, stability, disease resistance and rice quality needs to be improved and improved in most bred lines. In the future, we should give full play to the important role of crossbreeding in breeding new breeds. Many breeding ways complement each other and complement each other. In breeding new breeds and new combinations of hybrid rice, the genetic relationship should be broadened. Department of disease resistance identification; improve the high yield and stability of the selected lines to further improve the breeding varieties, hybrid rice combinations of the overall level.
功能性消化不良(FD)是消化科最常见的疾病:主要表现为上腹胀满,餐后饱胀,嗳气,早饱,厌食,恶心呕吐及弥漫性或烧灼样上腹疼痛。临床诊断的慢性胃炎中1/2 ̄2/3属于此病。其发病机制主要与胃肠运动