This article introduced J. . DeBoer [1] proposed, a pair of H2 molecular interaction energy perturbation on the first order approximation theory picture. Numerical calculations show that the interaction repulsive potential between a pair of H atoms belonging to different H 2 molecules in the crystal hydrogen can be expressed as the following exponential form in the e = h = m = 1 atomic unit system: Φ (r) = εe ( -br) where the potential parameter ∈ = 2.32, the value of b = 1.85 is significantly different from the value of Trubichin [2] (∈ = 2.17, b = 1.81). Here r (in Bohr radii) represents the distance between a pair of H atoms belonging to different H2 molecules. The difference of the potential parameters will directly affect the accuracy of the theoretical formula of the equation of state for the high pressure hydrogen storage. This paper points out that the contribution from the overlap integral of intramolecular electron wave function to the solution of H2 intermolecular interaction can not be neglected. Considering that the potential parameter of this action should be ∈ = 3.2 and b = 1.85.