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湖北老河口市会计局于1988年3月12日宣告成立,这是财政会计改革的一项大胆突破。现将有关情况简介如下: 一、成立会计局的指导思想。随着经济体制改革的深入进行,如何进一步发挥会计的职能作用,建立一套科学的会计工作和会计人员管理体制问题,突出地摆在我们面前。几年来,我们虽对此作过一些探索,但仍不能适应当前的需要。特别是目前的会计人员管理办法,不利于调动广大财会人员的积极性和创造性,充分发挥会计的职能作用。为此,我们按照《会计法》第五条“地方各级人民政府的财政部门管理本地区的会计工作”的要求,结合中央组织部关于实行干部分类管理的指导思想,成立了会计局,改革了会计工作管理体制,实行会计人员交财政部门直接管理。二、会计局的机构设置和工作内容。新成立的 Laohekou, Hubei Bureau of Accounting Bureau was established on March 12, 1988, which is a bold breakthrough in financial accounting reform. The relevant briefings are as follows: First, the establishment of the accounting bureau’s guiding ideology. With the deepening of the reform of the economic system, how to further develop the functional role of accounting and set up a set of scientific accounting work and management system of accounting personnel are highlighted in front of us. In the past few years, although we have made some explorations on this issue, we still can not meet the current needs. In particular, the current accounting personnel management approach is not conducive to mobilizing the enthusiasm and creativity of the vast number of accounting staff, give full play to the accounting function. To this end, in accordance with the requirements of Article V of the Accounting Law, “the financial departments of local people’s governments at various levels manage accounting work in the region,” and in conjunction with the guiding ideology of the Central Organization Department on the implementation of cadastral management, the Accounting Bureau was established to reform The accounting management system, the implementation of accounting personnel to pay the direct management of the financial sector. Second, the establishment of accounting bureau and work content. Newly established
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采用离子束增强沉积技术对金刚石热沉材料表面金属化进行了研究,制备了Ti/Ni/AuIn和Cu/AuIn金属化体系。采用俄歇、EDS、XRD和SCRATCH方法对膜层和界面进行了分析。 The surface metallization of diamond h
第一名:水瓶座  小天才是一个热衷于表达自己观点的人,无论你说什么讲什么,他一个字都不会听进去,说话办事都很有水瓶的风格—就是根本不在乎你好吗!  第二名:白羊座  傻白羊做事总是风风火火,想到什么就立刻去做,执行力很强,但这样实在是欠考虑啊,很多时候都是冲动做事,而且还迷之自信自己做得很好。  第三名:天秤座  纠结秤不是办事不经大脑,他们是压根不用大脑。成天迷迷糊糊的,根本不晓得他们脑子里究竟