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問題一:在婚姻法施行前的重婚、納妾應如何處理?答:依婚姻法規定,婚姻是一夫一妻制的。至於婚姻法施行前的重婚、納妾,是舊社會遺留下來的問題,是否離婚,要看女方(妻、妾)要求來決定。如女方提出離婚,人民法院應依法准許其請求。如果女方沒有這樣的要求,就仍應讓她們保持原來共同生活的關係。男方提出離婚時,人民法院可根據保護婦女和子女利益的精神,結合具體情况處理之。問題二:婚姻法施行後的早婚,應如何處理?答:早婚對於男女雙方本人、子女和整個民族的健康都有害處。爲免除早婚乏害,婚姻法第四條規定:‘男方二十歲,女十八歲始得結婚。’但由於婚姻法施行後,某些地區向羣眾廣泛深入地宣傳敎育不够,以致尚有未達婚齡而結婚的。對於這些早婚的男女,應向他們進行婚姻法的敎育,說明早婚的害處,但不得強迫他們分居。至於今後男女結婚時,則應遵守‘男二十歲,女十八歲,始得結婚’的規定。不得早婚。 Question 1: What should concubinage be handled before the implementation of the Marriage Law? A: According to the Marriage Law, marriage is monogamous. As for the marriage before the implementation of the bigamy, concubinage, is the legacy of the old society, whether divorce, depends on the woman (wife, concubine) to decide. If the woman files a divorce, the people's court shall allow its request according to law. If women do not have such a request, they should still be allowed to maintain the original relationship of living together. When the man makes a divorce, the people's court may, according to the spirit of protecting the interests of women and children, deal with it according to the specific conditions. Question 2: What should be done about early marriage after the implementation of the Marriage Law? A: Early marriage is harmful to the health of both themselves and their children and the entire nation. In order to eliminate the early marriages, Article 4 of the Marriage Law states: 'The man is 20 years old and the female is 18 years old. However, as a result of the implementation of the Marriage Law, some areas have not advertised extensively and malnourished enough to march into the community that some marriages have yet to reach the age of marriage. For these early marriages, men and women should be educated in marriage law to explain the harmful effects of early marriages, but they should not be forced to separate. In the future, when men and women marry, they should abide by the provisions of 'men aged 20 and women aged 18 and married.' No early marriage.
冬前冬后几村庄,溪北溪南两履霜,树头树底孤山上。冷风来何处香,忽相逢缟袂绡裳。酒醒寒惊梦,笛凄春断肠,淡月昏黄。 Winter before winter, a few villages, Creek North S
合肥市长江路第三小学《在少先队活动中培养学生友善合 作的习惯》子课题组负责人叶运平(中学政治学科高级教师)、朱清萍(小学语文高级教师、研究生学历)在研究课题报告。