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  【Abstract】: Nowadays, English teaching is experiencing profound reformation, and fostering English oral ability gains more and more emphasis. However, in some parts of China, the English teaching in many junior schools lacks of interaction and students have seldom opportunities to speak English in the classroom. This paper begins from the meaning of the interaction, and then proposes features of interaction teaching mode, and analyzes the current problems affect interaction. They are beneficial for searching further feasible strategies to overcome them in future.
  【Key words】: interaction, oral English teaching, problems
  1. Definition of Interaction
  “Interaction is the collaborative exchange of thought, feelings or ideas between two or more people resulting in a reciprocal effect each other.”[1]Interaction takes various forms in classroom, not only question answers between teacher and students, that’s teacher-student interaction, but also discussion or group work among students for the purpose of sharing opinions, Besides, verbal communication, nonverbal communication, the sending and receiving of non-language cues indicating attitude and feeling, also plays an important role in classroom interaction.
  2. Features of Interaction Teaching Mode
  (1) Adopting relaxing and various teaching methods. The purpose is to create relaxing, happy and harmonious classroom atmosphere. As to teacher, they should change the conception of classroom. In oral class, classroom can be regarded as perform room, chat room ,argument room, and interview room, under such informal atmosphere, students have little pressure while speaking.
  (2) Insist on the “golden rule” of students-center. Teacher’s role is radically changed under this rule. He is identified as an organizer, coordinator and supporter to avoid the phenomena of “one speaking class” or “single movement”. Besides, teacher is still a very important part. He should use “encourage systems” to properly praise those who do well and shouldn’t interrupt students at random, but encourage them to bring into play freely.
  (3) Make good use of finite class time to instill plentiful language material into students. Prepared lessons should be with body and heart, most importantly, be abundant. All materials needed in class, such as written materials, cards, pictures, slide show and CD should be prepared before class. Vocabulary and sentences would be used in oral practice should be fully prepared and written in teaching plan, showed to students if necessary to provide consultation and application.   3. Current Problems in Oral English Teaching
  For many years, we have found it difficult to enable the students to communicate freely and to make them express their ideas clearly. From where I stand, such circumstance is based on following problems, which deeply restricts the interaction in oral English class.
  (1) Lack of Atmosphere
  Although speaking has been included in the National Plan for English teaching in middle schools, the percentage of time devoted to communicative activities in which students can communicate with each other in English remains small. First and foremost, both teacher and students think speaking English is neither realistic nor necessary, the main objective for them is reading not speaking. Most of them concentrate on exams, gaining high marks. They may also think speaking is not a skill worth cultivating because Chinese students have little chance to communicate with English native speakers. Besides, they put every effort to be admitted to university or college which mainly involves listening, reading, and writing, not speaking. In addition, when students mechanically do activities in which teacher controls, they may worry too much about their mistakes because of lack of confidence. Most students in junior middle school dare not open their mouths to speak English; they are anxious about the accuracy and fluency of their pronunciation and sentence expressions.
  (2)The Traditional Teacher-Centered Teaching Method
  The teachers in the middle schools have to follow the syllabus strictly in order to finish the required teaching. In traditional teacher-centered teaching classroom, teacher is totally in control of the class, students do what the teacher asks to do. The only chances students get are reading the text and vocabulary aloud and making up sentences with newly learnt phrases or words. In addition, a class has more than 40 students, which is far from being enough for speaking practice. What’s more, though students have chance to take part in the speaking activities, but that only mechanical. So, lack of time and space in communicating and lack of chance and environment in oral activities, and lack of real situation and communicating background are the most crucial problems in oral English class. What is worse, students probably hold low enthusiasm and interest in English practice day after day, and they will unconsciously take their role as “spectators”.
  (3)Lack of Methods and Skills in Oral English Teaching   As is known to us, a class generally consists of 45 minutes. It is a big challenge for teacher to arrange every class effectively. Most teachers find it is difficult to prepare a lesson plan focusing on the teaching aim and to work towards the aim with certain teaching strategies. As to the oral practicing part, the requirements are much strict. Teacher has to manage time to fit for certain activities. Besides, the teacher’s ability to be clear in the classroom and to change modes of presentation and types of questions is required as well. The teacher is also supposed to be able to engage students in the learning process, to provide opportunities for feedback and use group and individual activities so as to bring students initiative into full play. Based on those requirements, teacher always find it is a big pressure to effectively manage the class and balance the class time efficiently.
  Therefore, based on the problems above, there are three theoretical factors which greatly influence interaction: (1) The Atmosphere of Class. (2) Relations between Teacher and Students (3) Arts of Teaching. These factors will beneficial for searching possible approaches to solve the problems. For the purpose of achieving practical effect on oral English teaching, both teacher and students should agree on a common educational sense: “practice, creativity, and flexibility”. By doing so, oral English teaching goal will be expected to be true.
  4. Reference
  [1]Ewan Davies. 2000. A new approach for improving speaking fluency [J]. VOL.23
  NO.1. Teaching English in China. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
  ZhouJie. How Can a Chinese Teacher of English Succeed in Oral English Classes?
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