
来源 :中国大学生就业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:airfly
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随着社会对人才素质的要求提升,个人日益注重“自我发展”。而中国人民大学大学生就业问题研究所组织的“大学生职业选择实证研究课题组”去年的一项调查显示:目前在大学毕业生中,职业理想与现实职业基本符合的占六成,很符合的不到一成,而不符合的却高达1/4。在对大学生就业准备影响最大的因素里面,“较好的职业设计”排在了第二位。近来由于行业整合、高校扩招、竞争加剧等因素造成大学生就业压力加大,这使得职业设计成为大学生走向社会,迈开人生关键性一步的重要砝码。那么到底什么是职业设计?在目前这种教育体制下,大学生的职业设计处于怎样一种环境中?日前,记者走访了中国青年政治学院副院长陆士桢教授。 With the social demand for quality improvement, individuals are increasingly focusing on “self-development.” The Renmin University of China Graduate Employment Problem Research Institute organized “University Students Career Choice Empirical Research Group ” last year, a survey shows that: at present in college graduates, the professional ideal and the reality of the job basically meet the Liu Cheng, it is consistent Less than 10%, but not up to 1/4. In the factors that have the greatest impact on job preparation for college graduates, “better career design” came in second. Recently, due to industry consolidation, college enrollment, increased competition and other factors, the employment pressure of college students is increasing, which makes occupational design an important measure for college students to step into society and take a crucial step toward life. So in the end what is the professional design? Under the current education system, the occupational design of college students in what kind of environment? Recently, the reporter visited Professor Lu Shizhen, vice president of China Youth Political College.
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常规石蜡制片时,其烤片脱蜡过程至少需要30~40分钟,现在我科介绍一种新方法,只需3~5分钟。 一、材料与方法 1.材料:直径为12cm、功率为500W的不锈钢电热杯一个,二甲苯30~40ml,
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由于“十五”期间特殊教育事业的蓬勃发展 ,杂志原有版面已不能满足特殊教育研究与教学成果展示的需求。因此 ,经上级主管部门和新闻出版管理部门的批准 ,《中国特殊教育》今
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中国社会科学院研究生院法学系2002级博士生蒋劲松撰著的英文本The NationalPeople’s Congress of China(《中国全国人大》),2003年由北京外文出版社出版。全书560页。 英
应用酶消化法体外培养猪气道上皮细胞 (AEC) ,加入一定浓度梯度的白细胞介素 - 1β (IL - 1β)和肿瘤坏死因子α (TNF-α) ,应用免疫细胞化学染色和原位杂交方法观测 AEC中 E
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