Learning models for endoscopic ultrasonography in gastrointestinal endoscopy

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liweibo2555
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Endoscopic ultrasonography(EUS) has become a useful diagnostic and therapeutic modality in gastrointestinal endoscopy.However,EUS requires additional training since it requires simultaneous endoscopic manipulation and ultrasonographic interpretation.Obtaining adequate EUS training can be challenging since EUS is highly operator-dependent and training on actual patients can be associated with an increased risk of complications including inaccurate diagnosis.Therefore,several models have been developed to help facilitate training of EUS.The models currently available for EUS training include computer-based simulators,phantoms,ex vivo models,and live animal models.Although each model has its own merits and limitations,the value of these different models is rather complementary than competitive.However,there is a lack of objective data regarding the efficacy of each model with recommendations on the use of various training models based on expert opinion only.Therefore,objective studies evaluating the efficacy of various EUS training models on technical and clinical outcomes are still needed. Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) has become a useful diagnostic and therapeutic modality in gastrointestinal endoscopy. However, EUS requires additional training since it requires simultaneous endoscopic manipulation and ultrasonographic interpretation. Obtaining adequate EUS training can be challenging since EUS is highly operator-dependent and training on actual patients can be associated with an increased risk of complications including inaccurate diagnosis.Therefore, several models have been developed to help facilitate the training of EUS. The Models currently available for EUS training include computer-based simulators, phantoms, ex vivo models, and live animal models.Although each model has its own merits and limitations, the value of these different models is rather complementary than competitive. Now, there is a lack of objective data regarding the efficacy of each model with recommendations on the use of various training models based on expert opinion only.Therefore, objective studies eva luating the efficacy of various EUS training models on technical and clinical outcomes are still needed.
马克思主义的认识论告诉我们,思维是人们在劳动活动过程中形成和发展起来的一种创造性能力,它的实质是借抽象来反映客观世界中事物和过程本质的一种复杂活动。 随着社会主义
(1)本统计所选代表性物理学期刊包括Nature Photonics、Nature Physics和Physical Review Letters等3种期刊。(2)2010年中国大陆科研机构共在所选代表性物理学期刊发表研究论
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