开拓进取 永创一流——对我局下一阶段创一流工作的若干设想

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经过整整四年的不懈追求和奋力拼搏,广州局终于跨入了国家电力公司一流供电企业的行列。这固然是我局创一流工作的阶段性胜利,但更是创一流工作的新起点和新开端。我们务必要戒骄戒躁,再接再厉,努力巩固和发展创一流的成果,使创一流工作迈上新的台阶。为此,根据《国家电力公司创建国际一流供电企业考核标准(试行)》的有关规定和我局的实际情况,谨就我局下一阶段的创一流工作提出如下设想。一、总体思路以改革发展为主题,以创一流为载体,以安全生产为基础,以机制创新、科技创新和管理创新为重点,同心 After a full four years of relentless pursuit and hard work, Guangzhou Bureau finally entered the ranks of the State Power Company first-class power supply companies. This is of course a triumphant victory for the first-rate bureaucratic work, but it is also a new starting point and a new beginning for first-rate work. We must guard against arrogance and rashness, make persistent efforts, and strive to consolidate and develop first-class achievements so that the first-class work can be brought to a new level. To this end, based on the relevant provisions of the “National Electric Power Company to establish a world-class power supply enterprise assessment standards (for Trial Implementation)” and the actual situation of our Bureau, I would like to make the following assumptions on the first-class work of the Bureau in the next phase. First, the overall idea of ​​reform and development as the theme, a first-class as a carrier, based on safety in production, with mechanism innovation, technological innovation and management innovation as the focus, concentric
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