
来源 :江苏丝绸 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhll0011
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江苏丝绸历史悠久,技艺精湛,品质优良,在国内外市场具有崇高的声誉。在新形势下如何进一步发挥江苏丝绸特色加强市场的竞争能力关键是要在品种、质量上不断创新和提高。近几年来我省真丝绸缎出口,不断扩大,换汇居全国首位,八一年江苏绸缎出口换汇占全国总绸缎出口换汇的27%,八二年上升到32.6%,八三年上升到33.4%,真丝绸八一年占32%,八二年占36%,八三年占36.23%,内销绸缎、民族用绸也不断扩大,其重要的原因是江苏真丝绸缎产品适应性较强,质量较好的缘故。实践证明,国内外市场竞争集中反映存产品上,产品品种 Jiangsu Silk has a long history, exquisite skills, and excellent quality. It has a high reputation in the domestic and foreign markets. Under the new situation, how to give full play to the characteristics of Jiangsu silk The key to strengthening the market’s competitiveness is to constantly innovate and improve the variety and quality. In recent years, the province’s silk satin exports have been continuously expanded and exchange exchanges rank first in the country. In 1998, the exchange of silk fabrics in Jiangsu accounted for 27% of the country’s total silk satin exports, which rose to 32.6% in 1982 and rose to 83% in 1982. 33.4%, real silk accounted for 32% in 1982, 36% in 1982, and 36.23% in 1983. Domestic sales of silk and silk for ethnic use are also expanding. The important reason is that Jiangsu Silk Satin products have strong adaptability. Better quality. Practice has proved that domestic and foreign market competitions reflect the existence of product products and product varieties.
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一机部电工行业标准化工作会议于1979年8月26日至9月3日在辽宁省旅大市召开。会议由一机部电工总局主持。参加单位有电工行业的归口研究所及部分重点电工企业,国家标 The D