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一张报纸,每年要列登数百万字稿件,不出差错确非易事。但报纸出错影响很大,不可忽视。为了党和人民的利盈,作为报纸工作人员,我们应该千方百计减少和避免出错。出错情况和原因报纸在哪些方面容易发生差错呢?根据《巴音郭楞报》几年来的实践经验,除了文句不通、标题字颠倒、错字漏字和标点符号用法不对等常见错误外,大致还有以下几种出错情况。①事实有出入;②提法不准确;③数字前后矛盾;④选用稿件不 It is not easy for a newspaper to list millions of word articles a year without any mistakes. But newspapers have a great impact, can not be ignored. For the benefit of the party and the people, as a newspaper worker, we should try our best to reduce and avoid mistakes. Errors and Causes Errors In what areas is the newspaper prone to error? According to the practical experience of the “Bayan Fox Newspaper” over the past few years, in addition to common mistakes in the passage of sentences, reversal of title words, misunderstanding of misspellings, and incorrect usage of punctuation marks, There are several kinds of error situations. ① factual discrepancies; ② reference is not accurate; ③ numbers before and after inconsistencies; ④ use of manuscripts are not
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