I Like Grapes

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  I like eating fruits.
  I like grapes very much.
  They’re small, but they’re sweet.
  Some of them are purple, and some
  are green.
  They are round and juicy.
  They look like little balls.
  They contain lots of vitamins.
  Eating grapes is good for our health.
  We often eat grapes in summer.
  Do you like them?
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Down by the station,  Early in the morning.  See the little pufferbellies  All in arow.  See the engine driver  Pull the little handle.  Chug, chug, toot, toot,  Off we go!  Words:  pufferbelly [?p?f?
同學们,快来看一看:2个洞的帽子,4米长的围巾,8条腿的裤子……How strange! 好奇怪啊!这些奇怪的物品是谁的呢?Let’s read the story.  Look at the hat.  There are two holes(洞) in the hat.  How strange!  Whose hat is this?
★How Strange!  ★Travel in the Air  ★Things to Wear  ★Down by the Bay
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春暖花開,阳光明媚,玩具大家庭迎来了快乐的周末。Bolooloo老师带领玩具们来到玄武湖公园,他们将在这里踏青、野餐、做游戏。你想加入他们的队伍吗?Let’s go to the park!