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用木偶为题,以时空转换为线索,叙述了木偶从一棵树被锯断,被雕刻成形,被赋予性灵,被推上舞台,被派定上演种种的角色行当的曲折经历,生动细腻地刻画了它憧憬幸福,却遭遇劫难;向往自由,却被一条绳系着,摆布由人;渴望尊严地活着,却始终被作践,等待的是不测的命运。磨难中苦苦挣扎,使它终于醒悟:“如果有人以刀雕我,刮下的必定是满手的铁锈。”通篇虽拟物,实为写人。隐喻或象征了现实中人的真实处境以及悲剧性命运而发人深省!此文若令人踔厉风发,与人的宿命作不屈的抗衡,不失为积极的意义。《木偶》构思独特,立意深刻,词语优美,结构层层逼进。 Using the theme of a puppet, with the transformation of time and space as a clue, it is described that a puppet was sawn from a tree, carved and shaped, given a sexual spirit, pushed onto the stage, and was subjected to various twists and turns of the characters and played vividly and vividly. It portrays it as happiness, but it suffers catastrophe; it is longing for freedom, but it is bound by a rope and manipulated by people; when you long for dignity to live, it is always practiced, waiting for unexpected fate. Struggling in hardships, it finally awakened: “If someone is to use a knife to sculpt me, it must be full of iron rust.” Although the entire article is intended, it is actually written. Metaphorical or symbolic of the real situation and tragic fate of people in reality is thought-provoking! If this article is persuasive, and the fate of people’s indomitable struggle, it will be a positive significance. “Puppet” is unique in concept, profound in concept, beautiful in words, and struggling in structure.
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