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6月4日至7日,“广州国际鞋类、皮革及工业设备展览会”在中国出口商品交易会展馆举行。据展会主办者提供的资料,展出摊位近1000个,参展商有625家,来自27个国家,国外的展商、贸易商、专业观众的人数比例是中国举办的所有皮展中最高的。在展会中,我们可以看到,广州的皮革和制鞋业是一个充满浓厚传统商业文化气息的行业,同时又看到它在现代化冲击之下求变的冲动。 From June 4 to June 7, “Guangzhou International Footwear, Leather and Industrial Equipment Exhibition” was held in China Export Commodities Fair. According to the information provided by the organizer, nearly 1000 booths and 625 exhibitors were exhibited. The proportion of overseas exhibitors, traders and professional visitors from all 27 countries is the highest among all leather exhibitions held in China. At the fair, we can see that the leather and footwear industry in Guangzhou is an industry full of traditional business culture. At the same time, it sees the urge to change under the impact of modernization.
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